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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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After a few moments, the picture appeared in front of Dylan


"Well... I could try some of thr food here" Mark said quietly

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"I'm ok thanks, Ziona. Just trying to keep calm. I'm glad Harmony would get up, which reminds me I owe her some bacon."

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"Wow, well done Dy... Dominic," said Miles impressed.


"Shall I get some bacon ready?" asked Ziona grinning. "And yeah, she did put on quite a show!"


"Best you do," said Skye. "You might not always be able to have your usual fare!"

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Dylan opened his eyes and, smiling, picked up the summoned picture

"I did it! Thanks Unc... dad!" He said


"I guess nows as good a time as any..." Mark said nervously

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"No problem Son, you did all the work," said Miles.


"Yes. I try to make something similar, so it's not much of a shock," said Skye, going tinio the kitchen and starting to pull out pots and pans.

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"Okay, I'll get cooking. See you later Zamy," said Ziona as she started flying off.

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Ziona flew into the kitchen. "Hi Stacey, Hi Mark. Mind if I cook some bacon?"


Melody closed the book and wandered over to Hope

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"Great. We're almost all set then. I better put my illusion back up again," said Melody.

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"But you helped a lot!" Dylan said


"Okay. That sounds nice" Mark said sitting down before Ziona flew in. When she did fly in, Mark jumped up again in surprise

"B-b-bacon?" he asked

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"You did most of the work yourself Dominic," said Miles


"Yeah, bacon. You know what bacon is, right?" asked Ziona.


"Shall I illusion you a set too?" asked Melody

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"Yes please..... there! I think I've made the right modifications to the teleporter, and I didn't even need nuclear material."

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Melody laughed. "That's good, I'd rather not walk around with something that would set off a geiger counter! Okay, hold still Hope, and I'll cast the illusions. And then we can set off!"

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Dylan smiled and hugged Miles

"Thanks anyway" he said


Mark shook his head slowly

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"Thanks," said Miles hugging back. "Just take good care of the photo."


Skye and Ziona grinned at each other. "I think I'm gonna make you a fry-up Mark!" said Skye.


Melody cast the spell, making her appear human again and putting Hope in a similar outfit, minus the hats.

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Hope looked in the mirror. "Perfect! Let's go." She set the date to 1885 and activated the machine.

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Melody took a deep breath as the teleporter activated.

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Hope found herslef standing on a dried up river bed.

"Yeah, I think we're here. See any gold nuggets lying around?"

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Melody looked around intrigued, taking moment to answer Hope question. "Not right here, maybe there's some in the cave over there," she replied, pointing at a mine entrance a little distance away.

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"Good thinking. Let's hope we don't meet any miners here or they might get annoyed with us taking their gold."

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"We'll be sneaky then," said Melody. "Hey, got any nifty tools for detecting gold?"

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