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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Great," said Melody jogging over to it, and starting to cast a spell.

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Melody finished casting and created an illusion of wearing a western outfit, though the illusionary hat obviously wasn't sitting correctly on her head.

"Wow! I LIKE it! What do you think Hope?"

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Dylan waited patiently


"I just felt I should say it..." Mark said twiddling his thumbs

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"Here you go. Just say the words, and concentrate on what you want to summon,. The photo in this case," said Miles.


"You always do," said Skye. "Are you hungry, how about breakfast?"


"Yeah, I know. I always mess up illusionary hats," said Melody, sticking her hand through it.

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"Oh yes, that. Okay, let me think for a minute... uh.. would you mind if I based it a little off you Hope? I don't have too, but I might not get stuff right if I don't have something to base a human look off," asked Melody.

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"Go ahead, that'll help me pass you off as a sister. Just don't let Shadow see or you could remind him of Maria Robotnik."

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"I'll try not to, but I doubt Maria went around in an outfit like this. Okay, here goes!" Melody took a deep breath and started casting the spell.

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"I know, but even her face triggers memories for him. Ok, I'll keep still now." Hope stayed still to help Melody base the look.

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"I doubt I'll look that much like her... more... you with elements of me..." murmed Melody as she concentrated on Hope, said some words in a firm voice, then the air around her shimmer like a heat haze, and when the distortion cleared, a twelve year old human girl with blond hair stood there, though still in the cowgirl outfit, just without the hat this time. Her hairstyle was still the same as it had been, despite the colour change, and while her face was very similar to Hope's, it was also distinct from her's, the eyes being larger and the nose smaller.

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"Thank's Hope! Guess you like it!" grinned Melody, looking in the mirror. "Wow! These proportions look strange on me!

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Melody giggled. "Yeah, I'll get used to them soon enough," she replied, looking over her new appearance. "Huh, you know, I'm almost kinda disappointed I didn't try this as a transformation. Better hope no one bumps into my tail!"

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"Yep. And if I wear long sleeves it should prevent anyone grabbing my arm and wondering why it feels furry," said Melody. "She took a few steps, watching the reflection. Good, it seems to be keeping up with me okay."

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Melody winked. "I've had a bit of experience, yep! Though this is my first time faking humanity!"

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Melody smiled. "Thanks. Got any tips on being human?"

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"I had guessed those two. There's no mention of powers, and some of the older times took a dim view of magic," said Melody.

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"Also don't sound too confident, men didn't like women back then to have spines. Bunch of apes," said Hope. As Hope continued talking Tower walked into the door, causing Hope to jump when she saw him.

"Oh, hello Commander," she said nervously.

"Hello Ms Kintobor. Why do you have a guest in a cowboy outfit here?" asked Tower with a raised eywbrow.

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