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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Good idea. Got a book handy?" asked Melody. "What about some ancient weapon?"

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Dylan smiled even more

"Really?" He asked


"Oh. Will I have to train more?" Mark asked


"Good. Im interested to hear" Sarah said

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"Yes, really," smiled Miles rubbing Dylan's head.


"Honestly, you don't need to train at all now," said Skye, wondering what Mark's reaction to that would be,


"Well, depending on how you look at it, I'm either 87, 63, 24 or 7 years old.... or just 6 weeks!" whispered Ziona.

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Hope passed a book over then opened her own.

"A weapon might be good to mount on his wall."

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"Exactly. Maybe he could start a collection!" smiled Melody as she opened the book and started looking through.

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"Hmm, true. But it'll be a nice centrepiece if he finds more antiques," said Melody

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'Very true. There's a 'wall gun' here, something between a musket and a cannon apparrently, used to defend forts."

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"Hmm, sound good. Do you think he'll like that?"

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"Maybe. Though it might be too heavy for mounting on a wall so we should keep looking."

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"Is there some other fancy muskets around?" asked Meldoy

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Zamy clutched her head momentarily as she had another fake memory, then continued waiting.


"Yeah, loads. All different deaigns and shapes."

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Dylan grinned as Miles rubbed his head

"Hey! I only just saw! You have two tails!" He said


"I... what?" Mark asked surprised


Sarah stared for a moment at Ziona

"What?" She asked

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Miles glanced up. "Zamy? Are you okay?" he asked. He looked back a Dylan. "Yeah, it's great. I'm all back to normal now!" he said grinning.


"You don't need to train at all if you don't want to," said Skye.


Ziona burst out laughing. "Exactly!"


"Wow. It'll be hard to narrow it down," said Melody

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"Yeah, that one wasn't as painful."


"Yeah. We should work on the stealth suit and then the time machine. They're the hard parts."

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"That's good. Maybe they're fading now," said Miles hopefully.


"Agreed. Let's get cracking!" said Melody.

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"Yesterday I would've agreed. Now I think they're gearing up for a knockout blow," said Zamy, laughing slightly.


"Is there a way to charge material with on demand invisibility through magic?"

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"That's great Uncle Miles! Can you fly still?" Dylan asked enthusiastically


"No training? But what do I do instead?" Mark asked


"How are you all those ages?" Sarah asked

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"I hope not," said Miles to Zamy, gulping."If it is, is there anything you can do to prepare?" He turned to Dylan.

"Uh... well... yeah... but ... I kinda loose control. I'm gonna need to learn how to fly again.


"Whatever you want," said Skye. "Well, there is school... but that's only half a day for five days outta seven. Other than that, you're free to do what you want."


"Well.... Ziona was 24, Zephyr was 63, and together they'd be 87. I'm look, act and feel like I'm 7, but this personality has only... exsted... for a few weeks<" said Ziona.


"Yes, I know that spell," said Melody. "But we'll need some way to store and power the spell so Rouge can use it. We'd need a crystal or something Silver or the like."

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"Oh... maybe you could practice with Auntie Harmony!" Dylan said grinning


"School? Thats like training but in a different way, isn't it?" Mark asked


Sarah blinked

"You lost me a bit" she said

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"I should probably just try and avoid stress and sit down."


"A crystal? That's easy."

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"Hmmm, maybe I could... but I'm not sure she'll like that," said Miles. He looked at Zamy. "I only hope you get the chance... the way things are here..."


"Less... physical, more intellectual," said Skye. "Hardly any fighting... at least, intentional fights."


"Think how I feel," sighed Ziona.


"It is? great!" said Melody

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"You could ask!" Dylan suggested


"That sounds nice. Better than training all day" Mark said smiling


Sarah looked down

"Im... sorry" she said

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"I could... I'll give it a go," said Miles.


"It is. We can just have fun!" grinned Skye.


Ziona was too shocked to immediately answer.

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