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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: "Raise eyebrow " My worst fear has arose . We are reaching character overload.)

Glen snapped out of his brainles slumber."Zio-Ziona ? Where are you ? The whole . This had to be another messed up dream, right ?" The poor dear....


Locke was once again being fuel by coffee and an incredible sense of duty.


The evil fox eventually found the perfect tool for his work against the shadows...

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(Oh, hardly that!)

"There must be something. Any hints s to what he might do? Exercising? Stamp collecting?" asked Melody

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"Nothing. The only real interest I know he has is Rouge. I suppose he likes old world things, but by their nature they're few and far between."

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(ooc: Things should calm down soon Locke... maybe)

Dominic giggled slightly

"That's still very kind of you" he said


"If your sure. We should get this done for uh... Zamy?" Mark said


"I am curious now" Sarah said. "You look about 7"

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"I guess.... yeah..." said Miles in an odd voice.


"Yes, we should... Okay..." Skye put the pen together and started going over the forms.


"Well, it depends on how you look at it," said Ziona.


"Then we need to find some-old timey stuff..." said melody

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"Most of it was all destroyed. Anything that's left is either still buried or in a museum. I guess we'll have to dig."

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"Or build a time machine!" said Melody. "So where's a good palce to dig?"

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Hope shrugged. "I haven't a clue, that's not my area of expertise. Maybe a time machine would be better," laughed Hope.

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Melody laughed. "We'll, your teleporter can go to different Zones, or sideways, so... making it go back...."

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"Oh c'mon, whats the worst that could happen!" said Melody, then she paused, thinking about her family. "Oh... right..."

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"Hmmm.. maybe we could get something in the past by trading something that was valuable in that time period?"

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"Is something wrong, Uncle Miles?" Dylan asked hwaring the oddness


"How long will it take?" Mark asked


"What does that mean?" Sarah asked

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"Nothing's wrong Dylan," said Miles. "Just... the opposite... "


"Not long at all. And most of the questions are quite easy," said Skye as he read some out.


"Well, uh... how much... do you known about Dominic, Stacey and me?" asked Ziona.


"Do you know what was valuable back then?" asked Melody.

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"The opposite?" Dylan asked confused


"Oh. Yeah, some of those do sound easy..." Mark said. "I don't understand a couple of them though. Is that bad?"


"I know Stacey better than I know you or the Shinobi" Sarah said

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"It depends on which time period. Precious metals are always valuable, and in some places spice or silk could be valuable."

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"Yeah... It's... still strange... People complimenting me on being nice or kind," said Miles.


"Not at all," said Skye. "You'll learn, don't worry!"


"But do you know... what... makes us unique?" asked Ziona.


"Hmm, I would think the further back we go, the easier it might be to trade..."

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"But you are kind, Uncle Miles! Stop thinking about stuff before and think about now!" Dylan said


"I guess..." Mark said sounding unsure


"Um... Stacey might have gone over it, I'm not sure. I don't remember" Sarah said

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"Yeah. I've got some history books we could look through for a good item for him."

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Miles smiled. "You're right Dominic. I should stop dwelling on it." He knelt down and hugged Dylan.


"Cheer up Mark. I'm sure you'll like it here," said Skye.


"Hmm, maybe we'll save it till we explain it to everyone," said Ziona.


"Good idea. And.. thinking about what you said about that virus bomb thing...it should mean we won't have any affect on this time if we go to the past..."

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"I sure hope not. Humanity whooping the aliens would be nice, but I wouldn't want my best friend to disappear," smiled Hope as she got the books down.

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"I might not disappear, given I'm from the evil world," said Melody smiling. "But, yeah, best we don't risk it. Heck, you might not even exist if we do that!"

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Dylan hugged back smiling too

"Yeah" he said


"I'm sure I will" Mark said smiling nervously


Sarah rolled her eyes

"If I must" she said

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"And you've had a big hand in that," whispered Miles. "You and Zamy."


"Though... the first big change is just how much free time you'll have now!" said Skye.


"Okay, I'll tell you my age then," said Ziona leaning forward to whisper


"I know," said Melody hugging Hope. "I don't want you to disappear!"

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