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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Agreed. This time it will go as planned."


"Well, goodnight." Rouge practically dragged Shadow out of the lab and to their apartment.

"I don't think he was as tired as us," laughed Hope.

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"Mwaybe... mwaybe you Zwiona an' hwim shwould twalk," said Skye.

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"Bu' then he'll be angry at me an' use his gun!" Dylan said

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"I'm... I'm swure he won'!" said Skye, but he sounded scared.

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"I nee' to as' Ziona firs'" Dylan said

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"Yweah, I gwess..." said Skye

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"I'm gonna wai' until Glen finishes speakin'" Dylan said

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"Mwight bwe swafer," said Skye


"I really hope so!" said Anna, excitement creeping into her voice.


"I would say he was getting metaphorically dragged into this, but that applies literally as well!"

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"I promise, my dear."


"Yeah. Though he can't complain. It's not like he's being dragged somewhere he doesn't wanna be."

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Dylan nodded

"Yeah. Oh! Di' you see the flower Ziona has?" He asked

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"Yeah, were dwid shwe gwet thwat?" asked Skye.


Anna tried hard no to 'squee' again. "Thank you so much Crowley," she said in a quiet voice.


"Yeah, but you know him! Can show being too happy!" joked melody

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"I made it!" Dylan said looking proud

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"You DWID?" Skye sounded amazed. "Bwut it's mwagic! I dwind't know you cwould dwo mwagic!"

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"Not at all. I shall see you when I get back, I must go."


"Yep, that's him alright."

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"Well... dad helped me a little" Dylan said

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*"Even stwill, wow!" Skye seemed in awe of Dylan.


"Of course, I understand," said Anna. "Good luck Crowley, though I know you won't need it."


Melody giggled. "Heh, yeah. Shall we go to sleep then?"

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Dylan giggled

"Thanks Skye. It was nothing really" he said

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"Yeah." Hope headed to her room and brushed her teeth.


"Thank you." Crowley returned the radio to Zunnie.

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"Nwothing! Thwat was nwothing!" Skye seemed even more amazed.


Melody also started getting ready for bed, almost bouncing with excitement.


Anna waited till Crowley ended the message, the gave an excited squeal, hugging Harmony then trying to hug Zamy. "He still wants to go shopping! This is great! This is great!" she squealed excited.

"Yeah, great... I'll... see how the kids are..." said Miles,

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Dylan nodded

"Yeah. You don' nee' to be amaze'" he said noticing the amazement from Skye

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Hope finished getting ready then headed to bed, activating the dream machine by remote.


Zamy hugged Anna, then went over to Miles.

"Don't look so down. It's just car shopping. Would you really consider the Moebian Shadow romantic?" she whispered.

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"Bwut... bwut you awre amawzing!" said Skye.


"No but.... Anna seems to..." said Miles quitely to Zamy as Anna danced around the room.


Melody lay down, and almost instantly was asleep.

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"No' really" Dylan said giggling. "Bu' thanks for sayin'"

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"Nwo pwoblem! You're swuch a cwool fwriend!"

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"You're a cool frien' too!" Dylan said grinning

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