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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"No, it's a tricky thing to get right."


Zamy laughed. "I could make him think I'm really angry and see his reaction."

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Miles put a hand on Dylan's should. "It wasn't a bother Dylan. It never is."


"You wouldn't think so, given how often you see them in movies and stuff," said Melody


Anna giggled. "Yeah, that'll be funny to see!"

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"Can you show me how to make tha' myself someday?" Dylan asked

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"The problem is the gun and it's connection to the wire. Both have to be strong enough to support a person's weight."


"Ok. Here goes." Zamy cleared her throat. "MILES! GET OVER HERE THIS INSTANT YOUNG MAN!" she yelled into the portal, trying not to laugh.

"Try and look glum Anna. It'll help the mood," whispered Zamy with a wink.

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"Of coruse I ca...." Miles jumped and fell off the T-rex when he heard Zamy's shout. He looked terrified. "Wh... what's... what's she shouting about..."

He called out 'coming' in a trembling voice.


"got it," said Anna, pulling the correct face.


"Hmm... I suppose, yeah..." said Melody, pondering.

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"Dad! Why is Zany calling for Uncle Mikes in here! Hes no' here!" Dylan said jumping down

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"Oh, yeah.. that.." Muttered Miles. "Uh, don;'t worry about it Dylan. You stay here. I'll see what she wants," said Miles, looking terrified.

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Dylan looked sad

"Okay dad. Bu' be caredul. She sounds angry" he said

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"I'll do it some day."


Zamy gave a thumbs up to Anna then crossed her arms in anticipation for Miles' arrival.

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"I will be son," said Miles taking a deep breath then stepping out into the lab. He gulped and looked visibly terrified when he saw Zamy. "Uh... what.... what is it Zamy?"


"No doubt you will....Hmm... if you somehow combined it with some magic, that could make it work."

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"You know exactly what this is about. So come on, own up," she replied sternly, trying to keep a straight face.


"That could work, yeah."

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Dylan began climbing up the T Rex again

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"Wh-what? What have I done?" asked Miles, voice shaking. He glanced at Anna and looked even more worried at her expression.


"It'll be worth a shot," said Melody

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"But... but... I... I haven't done anything!" said Miles


"And pens a range of possibilities for other field equipment*

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"Would you prefer I spank the answer out of you?" asked Zamy, keeping her tone for a few seconds more before laughing and hugging Miles.

"Sorry aboit that. Things are just really slow here and we thought it could be fun as a joke. Sorry if I worried you, nothing's wrong. I suppose you can get back at me any time if you want."


"Yeah. I'll try it when I have the free time."

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Miles stood in shock for a moment, then hugged back. "It's... it;s okay Zamy. But please don't do that again. I was so worried I'd angered you."


"You get free time?" laughed Melody., "I thought you worked 24/7"

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"I won't, I promise." Zamy let go of her charge.


"I wouldn't be talking to you if I worked those hours," laughed Hope.

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"Thank's Zamy," smiled Miles. "Sorry I was boring you."


Skye climbed up next to Dylan. "Were dwid ywou an' Zwiona gwo?" he asked


"Fair point!" smiled Melody

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Dylan looked to Skye and smiled

"She flew me aroun' a bi' an' then we lande' on this T Rex which took us here!" he said

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"Bwut why dwid Unwcle Lwucus dwrag me away frwom you two?" Skye asked.

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"It's not your fault. You have to take care of things in there. Now I imagine you'll get back at me by summoning a raptor in my room," laughed Zamy.


"Feeling tired yet?"

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Miles giggled. "Oh, nothing quite like that. Don't worry!"


"Nooooo, but if you are I can go for a run?"

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Dylan giggled

"'Cause Ziona an' I were havin' a tal'" he said

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"'bwout what?" asked Skye. "What's swo fwunny?"

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