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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, I do now," said Ziona. "But I didn' before."


"Hmm, I wonder how we can cure that?" pondered Melody.

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"I suppose it is better than the other way round," smiled Melody.

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"I try not to be. I could easily do that!" said Melody

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"Ah no, his father kicked him out for getting drunk, and now those guys from before are beating him up. I guess he's TOO drunk to use that martial art."

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"Yeah so you don't have to be scare' of them again" Dylan said

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"Not as long as you're there," said Ziona.


"Huh... there's an optimal level of drunkenness?" giggled Melody. "Heh, listen to me using 'optimal'! I think I'm hanging around the tech-girl too much!" she joked.

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"Next thing you know you'll be making me modest!" laughed Melody.

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"Am I really THAT bad!" laughed Melody.

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Melody shuddered. "I NEVER wanna be boring!"

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"I totally agree. Which is why I'm not going to try and change you into a prude."

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Melody laughed. "That you very much Hope. I'd hate to be normal! And you'd hate it too!"

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"Or even worse, imagine SHADOW normal!"

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Dylan giggled

"Yeah. I'd protect you from them" he said

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Ziona smiled, then giggled. "Thanks Dylan," she said as the T-rex walked to a cliff over looking the valley and the ocean nearby.

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Hope shuddered. "I never want to see that. I like him being dark and bordelrine anti social most of the time, it makes the times he does enjoy himself seem all the nicer."

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"Yeah, I just can't see him normal at all, but those moments are not so rare, right?"

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"Of course not. They're fairly frequent. He has a sense of humour, he just doens't like to let his guard down."

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