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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah," said Miles leaning on a chair. "I guess it was because I was being so protective of him. And... er... well, I did... after hearing about Skye and the others... I wanted to be a good parent." He sighed. "But I'm not sure limiting would be a great option Zamy. How do you think a kid would feel if their father was actively avoiding them?"


"I'm swure hwe'll bwe fwine. Mwaybe hwe's jwust worries cwause Mwiles is swick," said Skye.


"Yeah, I burn though a lot of energy when I run," said Melody.

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"Yeah. You're probably righ'. I hope he gt's better so we can visi' him" Dylan said

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"He might already be too far gone to snap out of it, but I don't want to see your getting lost in the illusion so quickly. I only have one use of that amulet."


"I think most people would envy your metabolism. To be able to eat that much and not gain weight if you run."

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"It's okay Zamy, I'm pretty sure I won't get lost now I know they're there. And if the kids are any indication, I've got till tomorrow. Just make sure I drink that cure tonight and I should be fine."


"I thwink hwe'll bwe okay twomorrow," said Skye. "Thwey swaid it was just a shwort swicky-thwing"


"Yeah, IF I run. If I didn't..." Melody shuddered.

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"Goo'!" Dylan said smiling. "Now let's go!"

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"Yweah! Lwet's!" grinned Skye, starting to run to the lab.

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Dylan giggled and ran after, Rexy following

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"Don't worry, I'll make sure you have that cure. Where is it now?"


"You'd what, have to eat like the rest of us?" teased Hope.

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"Still in the lab. I better give it to be you to be safe," said Miles.


"C'mon Greeny, let's meet all your friends!" called Ziona as she flew, Greeny bonding and squeaking happily below her.


"Yeah! What a horrible fate!" laughed melody.

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Dylan ran into the lab grinning excitedly

"So do we jus' go through again?" he asked

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"Yes, I'll hang onto it. Let's go."


Hope started on her noodles. "This is good. I'm glad I went for it."

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"Ywep," said Skye. "Lwet's go!" he called as he jumped in.


"At least the kids are unlikely to be in the lab. Gives me some breathing space," said Miles.


"Mmmm, yes, this is really nice!" said Melody enthusiastically though mouthfuls.

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Dylan giggled and followed in after, as did Rexy

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Ziona jumped through the portal. Greeny bonded after, then squeaked in amazement as he looked round the valley.

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"Here's hoping,," said Zamy as she headed in.


Hope finished her food after a few minutes.

"Here's hoping,," said Zamy as she headed in.


Hope finished her food after a few minutes.

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Dylan turned to Ziona

"Does Greeny like this place?" He asked

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"Agreed. The cure should be.." Miles' ears twitched. "Huh, I can hear them... sounds like they're in the portal," he sighed.


"Yeah, she loves it. Don;t you Greeny?" said Ziona picking up the dinosaur and huigging it, who gave a happy squeak in reply.

"I thwink I hweard Uncle Lwucas outswide," said Skye.


Melody wasn't far behind, despite eating more. "Now how about some cake?" she asked.

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Dylan turned to Skye

"Is he?" He asked. "Dad! Are you there?"

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"Just our luck. But as long as the cure is still here."


"Yes please," eagerly replied Hope.

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"Yep, here it is," said Miles, handing a reinforced bottle to Zamy. "Take good care of it." He turned to the portal and gave a small sigh. "Yeah, I'm here Dylan. How's the dinosaur world?"


"Right," said Melody bring out the box. "Gotta knife?"

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"It's grea' dad!" Dylan called out. "Are you gonna come in too?"

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Zamy put the bottle in her pocket. "I'll take good care of it Miles."


"Around here somewhere, here you go."

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"Thanks," said Miles. "Just make sure I drink it before sleeping. Even if you need to spike my drink or something!" He turned to the portal. "Uh, if you want me to come in?"


"Thanks. How big a bit do you want?"

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"Yeah! Of course, dad. It'll be fun!" Dylan called out giggling

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