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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan looked surprised

"You haven'? Bu' he's here!" He said

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"Then can I meet him?" asked Ziona.

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Dylan still looked surprised

"Yeah. Sure thin'. Ill go fin' him" he said before running off back inside

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"Wait uwp!" called Skye as he ran after. Ziona turned and flew after the two.

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Dylan ran inside

"Daaaaaaaaad!" He began shouting. "Where are you?"

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"Where dwo you thwink he is?" asked Skye.


Miles twisted in his chair. "Did I just hear Dylan yelling? I thought he was playing outside."

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"I dunno. He mus' be somewhere" Dylan said. "DAD!"

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Miles walked to the door.

"Dylan! I'm over here Son!" he called out.

(ooc: And... panic button time)

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Dylan smiked as he heard Miles

"Comin' dad!" He called running in Miles' direction

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"What are you doing back inside son?" asked Miles. "I thought you and Skye were playing outside."

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"Well, Ziona was sayin' she hadn' me' you an' also I wante' to show you somethin' me an' Skye made! Can we show you, dad? Please?" Dylan asked looking wide eyed

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Miles knelt down a ruffled Dylan's head. "Of course you can show me what you and Skye made. But... wait... what was that about Ziona?" Miles looked worried. "That's not..."

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"Well, now you know a little more about l me," said Zamy.


"Yes I thinj you will take me to dinner, Shadow," said Rouge.

"How nice of you to consult me first," he replied sarcastically.

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"Yep, guess I do," said Miles turning back to Zamy. "Do you wanna come and see what it is my Son and Skye wanna show me?"


The lab doors burst open as Melody arrived with a rather large collection of food.

"BACK!" she called triumphantly. "And only cause three accidents," she joked.

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"Er, Miles. You don't have a son."


Hope rushed over to help get the food on a table.

"That was quick."

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Miles blinked. "Uh oh..."

Skye looked confused. "Why awre you cwalling Uncwke Lwucas Mwiles Zwamy?" he asked. "Mwiles is swick twoday, remwwmber."

"$@&# this escalated fast," muttered Miles under his breath, then he spoke up. "Uh, I'll be along with you three kids in a sec, right. Zamy and I have important but boring grown-up stuff to talk about. But we won't be long."


"I was lucky. The queue just started to form after I arrived," said Melody.

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"It's gotten to him too, darn it! Don't panic, you haven't totally lost your mind to it."


"That really was lucky. It's usually pretty busy."

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"It's gotten to all three kids, if Ziona can't remember meeting me," said Miles as he walked back into the room. "Thankfully so far all I've got is... er..." he looked at Zamy. "Sorry to bring it up, but a bunch of pasted in fake-memories."


"It was REALLY busy when I left. If I'd dawdled on the way I might have been another hour!"

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"Well that's just great. This çure better work, for all our sakes. Can you remember Anna, even just when she was Mina would be good."


"I can imagine. Nice work."

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"Of COURSE I remember Anna, and when she was Mina," said Miles. "Nothing seems to be missing or blocked off. Just a block of extra memories have been added about..." he looked down slightly. "Family life. But I can still tell those are fake if I think about them."

He went silent for a moment to think.

"I should be okay till tomorrow. That's how long it took the kids to get lost in their new memories. So, yeah, the cure really has to work!"


"Thanks," said Melody as she divvied up the food, her pile significantly larger than Hope's.

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"Just don't go near her. Seeing you like this would be bad enough, but if you accidentally slipped up and talked about those false memories, it'd really freak her out."


"Someone's really hungry."

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Dylan had left the area when "boring grownup talk" was brought up

"So wha' shoul' we do now?" he asked

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"Uh, I wasn't meaning Anna was included in my fake memories. When I said Nothing seems to be blocked off, I meant all my memories, not just Anna. My... the person included in my fake memories isn't Anna. Although..." Miles pondered for a moment. "I think she might be kinda based on Anna."


"I dwunno," said Skye. "No, wait, I dwo! Lwet's go an' twake Grweeny and Rwexy to the Dwino Pwortal!"

"Yeah, that'll be fun!" said Ziona. She turned to Dylan. "You're Daddy seemed worried about something."


"Yes I am. I've got my appetite back now I can run again."

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"Yeah. I dunno wha' he's orried abou'. I hope he's okay" Dylan said. "An' yeah! Goin' to the dino portal is a grea' idea!"

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"I see, that's better than the alternative. Though it still might be best if you limit the oportunities to let the fake memories set in. It's pretty creepy they made you think Dylan was your son."


"I can clearly see that," said Hope as she took the few boxes that were hers.

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