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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"The lwibrary!" said Skye. "Swee, we're hwere!" he added as he turned the corner to see Ziona and Zunnie.

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"Oh yeah! Ziona! Hey Ziona!" Dylan shouted and waved

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"It certainly was an interesting night."


"Still let's focus on getting you big again first."

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"You've a talent for understatement!" said Miles.


"Yeah, I... Hey Dylan!" said Ziona turning. "Hi Skye. Where did you two go?"

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"We have somethin' to show you!" Dylan said giggling

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"You do?" asked Ziona curious. "What is it?"

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Dylan giggled again

"It's a surprise! We nee' to show you!" He said

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"Okay then, show me!" said Ziona excitedly. She turned to Zunnie. "I'll be back soon!"

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"Follow me!" Dylan said before running off towards outside

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Giggling, Ziona ran after the two boys, then started flying after them.

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Dylan ran out to the den

"Over here!" He called

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"Did you get picked on a lot?" asked Miles, sounding a little surprised.


Ziona gave another wave to Zunnie before heading outside, then saw the Den. "Wow! That's really cool," she said, landing and peaking inside. "We've gotta do something with it."

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"Yeah it is! Me an' Skye made it! We were thinking about campin' in here tonigh' if it doesn' rain!" Dylan said smiling

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"Camping? I LOVE camping. We've gotta do that. Even if it does rain!" said Ziona.

"I dwon't lwike gwet wet," murmured Skye.

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"No. I was only picked on by a few people, similarly a few of the the dregs of the world hit on me in idiotic ways. They all regretted their decisions," laughed Zamy.

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"Skye woul' hate it if it rains. We coul' all do it another time if it does 'cause there's still lots of hols" Dylan said

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Miles chuckled. "I've no doubt they did!"


"Awwww. Okay then, I'll wait if we have to," said Ziona.

"We can have a camping party in the lab tonight if it rains," whispered Skye.

Ziona giggled. "I like that idea."

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"Yeah. I was gonna say tha'! It'll be warmer an' drier inside!" Dylan said

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"But not quite as fun," pointed out Ziona. "But we can practice camping there."

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"I've already been campin'! I'm an exper'!" Dylan said looking proud

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"You have?" asked Ziona. "That's cool! Hardly any of my friends camp. It's great to find one who does!".

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"Yeah! I wen' las' year!" Dylan said grinning

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"Cool, where did you go? Did you go with him Skye?" she asked.

Skye shook his head. "Nwah, it was jwust Dwylan and hwis Dwad."

"Really?" asked Ziona. "I haven't met your Dad yet Dylan."

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