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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I know!" grinned Skye. "Mwaybe we cwould cwamp owut hwere too!"


"I probibly shouldn't say this, but I have a hard time picturing you in heels," said Miles.


"Really?" asked Ziona wide eyed. "You could pull that off?"

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"That's a grea' idea! Lije a sleepover!" Dylan said

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"Exwactly!" said Skye. "Uh.. As lwong as it dwoen't rwain... thwen we'd... gwet... wet.." Skye shuddered.

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"If it rains, we can do it inside?" Dylan asked

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"Hmm," Skye thought. "We cwould, bwut we'd nweed swomehwere the grown ups won't lwook!"

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"I can imagine as I'm pretty much always on duty in uniform."


"If I pull a few strings, sure."

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"Yeah. Any uniform that included high heels is just insane," said Miles.


"That would be SO great!" said Ziona hugging Zunnie. "Thank you!"

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"Maybe in one of the basements?" Dylan suggested

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"Hey! How abwout my lwab. Mwiles is the ownly owther one who uwses it, an' he won't bwe thwere tonwight!"

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"Yeah! Perfec'! Bu' only if it doesn' rain!" Dylan said

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"Agweed!" said Skye smiling as he finished a 'wall'. "Dwo you hwave a slweeping bwag?"

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"Yeah! I wen' campin' las' summer an' iha' a sleepin' bag!" Dylan said smiling. "So it mus' be somewhere!"

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"Gwreat. We cwan lwook fwor it. If nwot I cwan try an' mwagic one," said Skye. "What was the cwamping trwip lwike? I dwidn't gwet to go."

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"It was grea' fun bu' kinda col'. An' yeah. You didn' come. It was jus' me an' dad" Dylan said

(ooc: Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNN! )

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"Agreed. Though I still maintain I make them look good. Though I wouldn't recommend I try kickboxing in them. Great for a hit, lousy when I inevitably fall on my face and sprain my ankle."


Zunnie hugged back. "My pleasure. I want to see them too."

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"Mwaybe you shwould hwave bwrought mwore to wear. Bwut mwaybe we cwan all gwo cwamping. Thwere's stwill lotsa the hwols to go," said Skye.

(ooc: Evil grin)


"That sounds like experience talking. Is there a story here?" asked Miles.


"Then it'll be great for both of us," said Ziona

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"Yeah! Maybe we coul'! Bu' we'd nee' to ask firs'" Dylan said

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"I know, bwut we can do thwat swoon," said Skye. He put a few branches down and stepped back.. "I thwink we're dwone!"

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Dylan looked for a moment

"Yeah! We are! Lets show everyone!" He said eagerly

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"Yes actually. During a night out a few years ago, a particular idiot was rather rude to me for the gazillionth time. I have a long fuse but he drew me mad so eventually I had to sort him and his pals out. I knocked them all out cold with what was an impressive display, but my last kick was a jumping one. I landed wrong and hurt my ankle, but my pride was intact. No one bothered me after that."


"Exactly. It'll be great."

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"Wow. I almost wished I could have been there to see that!" said Miles. "Good that you taught him a lesson."


"Yweah! Lwet's go!" grinned Skye. "C'mon!" he called, starting to run, but slow enough so Dylan could keep up.


"Yeah, it so will, An' I'll get to see all the friends I haven't seen in AGES! This'll be so great!"

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Dylan ran after

"I'm gonna look for Ziona firs'" he said

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"Mwaybe she's stwill at the lwibary!" said Skye.

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"Let's check there firs'" Dylan said

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"It's nwot far," said Skey leading the way

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