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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Ywes, ywes, ywes!" said Skye excitedly. "An' Zwiona cwan flwy uws up thwier to bwuild it! An' we cwan clwimb!" He started collecting sticks for the den.


Miles had a quick bite to eat, then went to try and find Zamy.


Ziona's hand went to her locket, and she shivered slightly. "I know. But even when I'm thinking... normally, stuff like language and writing seems blocked."

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Zamy had finished her report.


"That must be hard. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's kinda adorable."

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Miles came through were Zamy was working. "So how are you holdin' up?" he asked, leaning against the doorframe.


"What? Really? You find it adorable?" repeated Ziona surprised and slightly wide eyed.

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"I'm ok seeing as you're settling in," replied Zamy.


"Just a little bit. But that's just between you and me."

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"Trying to," said Miles pulling up a chair.


Ziona giggled. "Don' worry. I won' tell anyone!"

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"You should be happy. Now you're older than me for a bit but still have no rent or bills to pay," joked Zamy.



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"Adult privileges with none of the responsibilities eh?" grinned Miles, putting his feet up on another chair.


"Our little secret!" smiled Ziona, clearly happy.

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"Just don't go crazy with it. I'm still in charge here," she laughed.


"Exactly. I know I can trust you."

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"Yes Ma'am," said Miles, giving a salute.


"Yeah, course you can! An' I can trust you!" smiled Ziona.

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"If only everyone was like that to me."


"Exactly. We're friends no matter what weird transformations occur. Though if you temporarily became a vampire bat I might have wanted to do this over the phone."

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Dylan nodded excitedly as he picked up some sticks too

"Yeah! An' we'll do it ourselves! Withou' any grownups helpin' us!" He said

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"Course we will!" said Skye. "Wo dwon't nweed grown uwp's to hwelp us!"


"Can't you just give 'em a bop with your baton to get them back in line?" joked Miles.


(ooc: Funny you should say that Shadow...)

Ziona made a face. "Ewww, I'd never wanna become a vampire. Drinking blood is just icky. But yeah! We're friends forever!"

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"I could, but I don't like the yelling afterwards."


(OOC How so?)

"That's a good thing, I don't know who would. And yeah, friends forever."

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Dylan began placing sticks down by the proposed den

"I wonder where Ziona is though. She could help" He said

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"I thwink she was twalking with her groown uwp frwiend when we rwaced," said Skye.


"Yeah, I can imagine that'd get tiresome," said Miles.


"Exactly! Hi five!" said Ziona, holding up her hand and hovering to be at eye level with Zunnie.

(ooc: Plans... but don't worry, Ziona won't be a vampire.)

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"I hope she comes to help us build" Dylan said

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"Yeah. I prefer more subtle ways to induce obedience," laughed Zamy.


Zunnie high fived her friend.

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"Swo dwo I," said Skye. "Shwould we fwind her?"


"Oh? Do tell!" said Miles.


Ziona laughed and landed again. "A shame more of our friends couldn't be here."

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Dylan thought about it

"Nuh uh! If she doesn' come, let's surprise her" he said

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"I said I prefer them, not that I know what they are," laughed Zamy. "The use of feminine wiles isn't my specialty."


"Yeah. But they have to work after all. It'd be a bit weird to have us all on this case."

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"Yweah! Gwood idwea!" grinned Skye as he started building the den again.


"Maybe you could get Ziona to teach you when she's back to normal!" suggested Miles.


"YEah, I guess," said Ziona sadly. "But maybe we could throw a party and have everyone here for just one night..."

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Dylan began building too giggling excitedly

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"Thwis is gwonna be so cwool when it's dwone!" grinned Skye. "We shwould cwook dwinner owut here!"

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"That's a grea' idea!" Dylan said grinning

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"Heh, I could do that. Though I'm not looking for an excuse to wear my heels all day, I can just about make it through a night."


"Maybe I could arrange that once you're big again."

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