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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Maybe you shoul' race Skye an' see who's faster!" Dylan suggested

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"Hey, I like that idea. Hey Skya, wanna test your speed against my new legs?" called over Miles.

"YEAH! Thwat'll bwe fwun!" said Skye jumping excitedly.

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"Can I watch?" Dylan asked raising his hand

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Miles picked up Dylan again. "You can race with me!"


"I did?" asked Ziona looking confused. "I thought I said everything correctly."

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"YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY! Thanks Uncle Miles!" Dylan said sounding excited

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"No problem Dylan," grinned Miles as he set Dylan on his shoulders. "Okay Skye, first one outside wins! Ready... GO!"

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Dylan braced himself ready to go fast

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Both Miles and Skye shot off. They were fairly well matched, but Skye had a slight advantage

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"oh..." Ziona's ears dropped. "Sorry Zunnie. I'll try better next time."

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"WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Dylan cheered as Miles ran

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It didn't take them long to reach outside. "YAY! I win, I win!" chanted Skye happily as he just made it outside first.

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"Bu' you weren't carryin' me Skye!" Dylan called down"So it's no' even"

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"Sorry Dylan, I think Skye win's this one," said Miles as he set Dylan on the ground.

"Yay! Swo i win!" cheered Skye.

Miles' stomach gave a rumble. "Huh, transforming after skipping lunch is never good. I'm gonna get a bite to eat. You boy's will be okay playing outside right?"

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"Yeah! We'll be fine!" Dylan said grinning

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"Good boys. I'll see you soon. And I'll tell Ziona where you are if I see her," called Miles as he went inside. "Hmm, I wonder where Zamy went?" he pondered.

"C'mon Dwylan, lwet's mawke a dwen!" grinned Skye.

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"Yeah! Let's go!" Dylan said before running off

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"Thwere's a fwallen trwee nwear the stwart of the fworest, we cwan bwuild from thwat!" said Skye running with Dylan

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"Grea' idea! An' there'll probably be lots of sticks an' other stuff lying aroun'" Dylan said

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Skye nodded as the reached the tree. "Yweah, lwots an' lwots an' lwots!" he said pointing.


Miles headed the the kitchen and started making himself a late lunch

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"Yeah! It'll be the bes' den ever!" Dylan exclaimed

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Skye grinned in agreemnet. "Yeah, thwen we cwan bwuild our trweehwouse!"

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"Yeah! We can do it in the bigges' tree in the fores' so we can see all aroun'!" Dylan said excitedly

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"You've got a child's mind trying to take over, I'd be surprised if you didn't mske mistakes. Don't be sorry."

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