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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"There's no need to get touching Dylan," said Miles, a little worried.

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"Bu' I wanna be bigger!" Dylan whined

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"You do...?" said Miles, wondering if that could be an opening to get Dylan to remember. He took Dylan back down from his shoulders.

"You used to be bigger Dylan. Remember? Before you fell into the pool yesterday."

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Dylan began looking upset and shook his head

"I don' was I much bigger?" He asked

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"You were... uh... about... this high..." said Miles holding out a hand, making a best guess at Dylan's height. "Wait, hold on." Miles cast a quick spell, creating an image of Dylan. "That was you, unless yesterday"

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Dylan cocked his head

"He doesn' look like me!" He said

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"I know. But I looked very different before I went into the pool remember. So did you."

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"Yeah. He looks... kinda familiar bu' I still don' really 'member" Dylan said sadly

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"He did used to be you Dylan. And we're trying to return you back to normal. I know it's hard to believe, but you'll have to trust me. You... you do trust me, don't you?"

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Dylan nodded

"Of course I trus' you, silly. Why wouldn' I?" He asked

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"Sorry Dylan, old fears," said Miles, smiling and ruffling Dylan's head again.

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"Just don't let it go to your head. And you'rr a bit taller than he was."


Zunnie sighed. "Desperate times deaperate measures."

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"I think I might just be the tallest her... 'cept for Zark," said Miles with a slight grin. "And I'll do my best not to Zamy."


"Desperate? it's not that bad is it?" asked Ziona.

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Dylan smiled at Miles and fixed his cap

"You don' need to be scare' at somethin' like tha'!" he said

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"I won't be from now on then Kiddo," said Miles, helping to straight out the cap a bit

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"Good. You may be tqll but you're still Miles in there."


"It's unorthodox, put it that way."

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"Yep, still me," said Miles standing up. "Still looks weird at this height. This might take a bit of getting used to. I should just try walking round till I'm used to it."


Ziona giggled. "Yeah, but then everything here is!"

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Dylan giggled as Miles helped straighten his cap

"That's goo'" he said

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"Yes it is Dylan," said Miles smiling down.

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"You gonna try walkin' aroun' now?" Dylan asked

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"Yep, agreed Zamy. And I am Dylan." Miles started taking a few steps. "Wow. I should'a realized I'd cover more ground like this."


Ziona giggled. "Yeah, let's hope nothing happens to YOU!"

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Dylan giggled and ran over to Miles again

"Yeah! 'Cause your legs are longer!" he said

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Zamy headed out of the library and started typing a report.


"Given y'all couldn't pay me to go near that pool, I ain't changing any time soon."

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"A little bit, yep!" laughed Miles. "And I feel pretty full of energy too, like I wanna go for a run or something."


Ziona giggled. "You're very sensibibble then!"

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