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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I hope he does," said Miles, though he sounded doubtful. He turned back to the lab table and began preparing various potions.

"I'm fairly certain I've got how to control the transformation correct. Harmony and I had a long talk about it at the park. I'm going to mix something that will change my species, color, and age slightly. That will cover all the different possible transformations."

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"Thank's," said Miles, his voice trembling slightly. "I... I suppose I should tell you what I'm aiming for, so you know if it's gone wrong..."

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"Okay," said Miles nodding, taking a deep breath. "I'm gonna try for a transformation similar to one I've use before. A brown furred wolf. It's close to my normal form so I shouldn't suffer any mental changes, but different enough to test the cure. I'll also increase my age by about 5 years. Don't want to increase it too much, and certainly not down!"

Miles paused. "Wait... did I say 'gonna'?"

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"That sounds like it's the least risky method. I'll be here if it goes wrong for whatever that's worth. And yes you did."

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"I think something's messing with my mind already!" joked Miles, trying to relieve the tension. "And.. thank you Zamy. That does mean a lot to me."

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Miles finished mixing the potions, then started mixing them together.

"Okay, once I'm done I'll need to drink it," he said making a face. "Then... wait about 10 minute, then take a dive into that pool."

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Dylan began crying again

"I still don' 'member at all!" He said

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"I will," said Miles. "But I better warn the kids too."


Ziona hugged Dylan. "It's okay Dylan, it's okay. We'll find something to help you remember, okay?"

Miles walked over. "Kid's, I... I've something to tell you... Uh.... I'm... gonna be changing somewhat for the rest of the day."

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Dylan smiled again as he was hugged and hugged Ziona back not noticing Miles

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"Happy now Dylan?" asked Ziona.

Miles couldn't help but smile. "I think my timing was bad."

"Why awre you chwanging?" asked Skye.

"So I can test that the way to turn you three back to normal will work," Miles explained.

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"A little..." Dylan said before looking up at Miles

"Hi Uncle Miles" he said with a wave. "Where di' you go?"

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"That's good," said Ziona.

"Uh, just over there," said Miles pointing at the lab bench where he'd been working, before repeating what he had told Skye.

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Dylan's eyes widened

"No! Don' change! I like you as you are!" He said running over and higging Miles

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"I... I don't WANT to change Dylan. But I'm... doing it for the three of you. To make sure the way to change you back is safe," said Miles, hugging back tightly.

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"Bu' it can' be tha' ba' if we wai' before changing back! So you don' nee' to change!" Dylan said crying again

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"I... I think everyone else want's you back to normal. I know that Skye and Ziona have people waiting for them. And you were so desperate to change back..." said Miles.

"But... even if it works... you'll still have all of tomorrow. The cure needs you to sleep to work, and I'll be trying it tonight."

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"Bu'... wha' if it doesn't work?" Dylan asked

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"Don't worry, I won't change that much," said Miles. "And then we'll just need to wait to turn back to normal."

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Melody sprinted back to the rendezvous point, a large box in her hands.

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"No reward without risk," muttered Zamy.


Hope teleported back to the point and saw Melody.

"Nice run? What's in the box?"

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