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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Would be to try it out on one of them... it's risky, but if you don't won't they stay like that indefinitely? At least until they grow."

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"Bu' I don' remember no' bein' a kid" Dylan said starting to look upset

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"The magic is messing with your head Dylan. You're too Skye," said Ziona.

"Bwut I... I dwon't... I dwon't wanna...." murmured Skye.

"It won't be permanent, they would be normal again in a week. But this would cut the time down a lot. There is... there is another way to test it without putting on of them at risk. I know how to control the changes. I could...." Miles shuddered slightly. "Change myself slightly and test the cure on myself first."

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Dylan began crying a little

"I don' wan' magic messing with my brain! It's not nice!" He said

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"I know," said Ziona hugging the boys. "That's why Miles is gonna get us back to normal!"

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Dylan gave a smile and hugged back. Then his face fell a little

"Bu'... I don' really wanna go back. I like bein' like this" he said

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"You.. you do?" asked Ziona surprised. "But you... you were so keen to go back..."

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"I was?" Dylan asked surprised. "Why? I'm happy like this"

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"You... Uh...." Ziona struggled to think back. "You said you didn't like it... and you didn't like transformations."

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"I don't want to," said Miles. "But if helps the kids and makes it safer for them, I should do it." Miles paused, suddenly shocked at his selfless suggestion.

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"But if it goes wrong, it could leave you stuck with something for a week or more."

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It took Miles a moment to respond, as he was still trying to process what he was suggesting. "I... I know that Zamy. But I don't intend to change myself too much. Certainly not as extreme as the kids are changed. And if it helps them..."

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"It's still a big risk. But if you think you can minimise it, it may be the best option."

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"I'm pretty sure I can. I'm certain that my method to control the transformations is correct. It's just the cure I'm worried about," said Miles. "And, uh... if it's not too stressful.. could... you be around?"

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"Thank you Zamy," said Miles quietly.

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Miles gave a nervous smile when Zamy appeared. "Thank you... I... I know you'd rather I didn't do this, but..."

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Dylan looked the ground sadly

"I don' 'member sayin' tha'" he said

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"I dwo," said Skye looking down. "I 'member bewing dwiffwent niow.... Ywou dwid lwike thwis at fwirst Dwylan."

"I'm sorry," said Ziona.


"It... it is?" asked Miles a little shocked. "I... I'm not... it's... I didn't even think about what I'm doing, yet.... It's... it's so... not me..."

(ooc: Quick question Shadow, though I've probibly just forgotten the answer. How old is Zamy?)

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"Yes. You're sticking your neck out for people I assume are your friends. It's a good thing."

(OOC She's in her early to mid twenties)

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"I know.. I just... was kind of shocked to realise I was doing it. And..." Miles shifted uncomfortably and whispered. "Dylan... isn't my friend. Not really. I hope he will be, but I doubt it..."

(ooc: Cheers. I thought so, but just wanted to check)

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"Yeah. He's only acting like this because he's a kid. But I hope he grows to at least accept you when he's normal."

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