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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Gah, don't say that Hope! Our luck has been bad enough without you jinxing it!" joked Melody

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"REXY!" Dylan exclaimed giving Rexy a hug

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"Just as long as you mean good luck and not bad!" grinned Melody.


"Uncle Miles? What is it?" asked Ziona walking over, while Skye ran over to Dylan.

"You gwot hwim bwack, you gwot hwim bwack!" he called happily.

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"I know! Welcome back Rexy! Don't disappear again!" Dylan said

"Rargh!" Rexy said

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"Uh... Dwylan... he... Rwexy will dwissappear one mwore twime. Thwen he'll be bwack forewer!" said Skye.

"Eu-bloody-reka!" cried Miles, causing Ziona to jump back. "I've got it!"

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"Oh yeah... well..." Dylan began before jumping back in surprise from Miles

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"Got... what?" asked Ziona surprised.

"I think I know how I can turn you back," said Miles excitedly. He began pacing the lab. "It can all hang on memories. There is a reagent which can bring repressed memories to the fore while you sleep. Mixed with the right ingredients, I'm SURE it'll turn you three back to normal."


"Uh... I dunno," said Melody. "But I feel like going for a run!"

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Miles sighed a little and slowed down. "I've figured out a way to turn you back into your original adult forms... or at least older forms I mean," said Miles.

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"I could take you back to Angel Idland and you could do it there. The city is heavily populated here unsurprisingly."

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"If.. if that's okay Hope. I've got a LOT of pent up energy to get rid of!" said Melody

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Dylan scratched his head

"Adult forms? What do you mean, Uncle Miles?" He asked

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"Oh, uh.... er... maybe I shouldn't say Dylan... You got... upset the last time I mentioned it," said Miles.

Skye was also looking confused. Ziona had her head bowed and was cradling her locket.

Miles sighed. "Okay, Dylan, try had to focus. You're not a kid, or a chameloen. You're actually an adult porcupine."

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Dylan shook his head

"Nuh uh! That joke's borin'" he said

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Hope teleported Melody to Angel Island.

"I'll be back here in half an hour or so."

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Miles sighed. "I tried," he said, shaking his head. He walked over to one of the lab tables. "But it could be dangerous if done wrong... which means... I better call Zamy..."

Ziona walked over to Dylan.

"Dylan it... Miles isn't joking...." she said.


"Okay, see you then!" grinned Melody giving Hope a hug,

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Hope teleported back to her lab.


Zamy was sitting on the sofa flicking through the channels.

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Miles picked up a radio and adjusted it. "I think that's the right settings. Hello? Zamy, are you there? I've uh... got good news, and bad news..."


Melody grinned, did a few more stretches, then shot off at top speed, whooping excitedly.

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Dylan looked at Ziona surprised

"Wha' do you mean? Of course he is. Isn' he?" He asked

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Zamy jumped a little when her radio went off before picking up.

"Yeah, I'm here. What is it Miles?"

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Ziona shook her head. "No Dylan. You, me, Skye... we're not meant to be kids... I wanna be... but we're not."

"Huh... we're... we're nwot?" asked Skye.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure I've got a way to undo the transformations," said Miles. "Trouble is.... if I'm wrong it might be dangers, so I want to test it.... and... uh... the only way to properly test it...." Miles grimaced.

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