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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye glanced at Dylan. "Okway....."



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"Yeah! We're good!" Dylan said

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"Come on, you can tell me if anything's up. I won't tell anyone."


"Present company excepted of course."

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Skye glanced at Dylan again. "Nwo... we're... we're okway..."


"I would hope so," laughed Melody. "Or this would be awkward!"

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"Yeah! Nothin's wrong!" Dylan said grinning

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"I wasn't born yesterday. I might be able to help." She was more convinced by Dylan though that they were ok.


Hope giggled. "I'll say."

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"Lwater," whispered Skye.


Melody laughed again

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Zunnie nodded. "Alright then."


"Well we've had some fun despite the trouble."

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Skye smiled.


"Yeah, we have," agreed Melody

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"Are we gonna continue havin' fun now?" Dylan asked

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"I thwink Dwylan was jwust with Zwiona and Hwarmoee. And Mwiles is rwight..." Skye turned to see Miles had gone.


Melody turned back to the map and tried to find another tablet

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"Thanks. We should find them."


Shadow walked into the ruins, seeing faded hieroglyphics on the pillars and on the floor.

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"I'll show you where Ziona an' Auntie Harmony were! " Dylan said beginning to run in the direction he came from

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Skye stayed back, still looking for Miles.


"I think there's another one here," said Melody. "Where is that?"

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Zunnie followed Dylan.

"You stay here Zark and give me a sign when you find Miles."


"That's Mobotropolis. It must be underneath it. I've no idea how to find something underneath a huge city."

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"Ziona! Auntie Harmony! Where are you?" Dylan called

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"Shwall we lwook for hwim then?" Skye asked Zark. He walked a bit closer to the polar bear, then swayed slightly, holding his head.


"Over here Dylan!" called Ziona, starting to fly and waving. She caught sight of Zunnie and swooped over, giving her a sticky hug.


"Oh boy... maybe there's caves or something?" wondered Melody

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"Hi Ziona." Zunnie hugged back. "You're gonna need to wash these clothes unless you want them glued to you," she joked.


"Hopefully. We just need to find an entrance."

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Ziona giggled. "Yeah, but candyfloss is really, really nice. An....." Ziona blinked... "Bu' I don' have any more clothes with me!"


"Anything on the map?" wondered Melody

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"Its no' tha' ba'" Dylan said grinning

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"It sure is nice, I know. And in that case I'll have to get you some for the duration of you being like that."


"No, but I know of a cave syst em a mile or 2 outside the city. Maybe it goes roght under it."

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"Do you wan' some Dylan or Zunnie?" Ziona asked. "And thanks for gettin' me some new clothes! I shoulda pack more before comin' here!"


"It's a good place to start," said Melody.

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"It wouldn't have mattered, you got shrunk and turned into a kid, not the rest of your clothes. And I'm fine thanks."



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"Bu' the pool can change clothes yout wearing!" Dylan said

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