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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I-had-seven-this-one-is-eight-I-lovvvvvvveeeee-candyfloss-so-much-I-just-wanna-keep-eatin'-an'-eatin'-an'...." Ziona's wings gave out and she rolled onto the floor, giggling.

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"That's a lot!" Dylan said grinning. "Do you thin' that's a bit much?"

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"No! Nononononono! I-wanna-more-an'-more! MORE!" shouted Ziona

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Dylan giggled and began tickling her

"But you're SOOOOOOO hyper!" he said

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"I'm-no-I'm-no-andhehehehehehehehe!" Ziona started giggling and laughing hard. "No-fair-Dylan! Stwopitstwopit!"

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"Not until you say you are!" Dylan said grinning as he continued

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"ImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnotImnot!" cried Ziona between laughs.


"Uh, okay Hope," said Melody, slumping in her wheelchair again.


Zark braced himself.

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"Yes you are!" Dylan said giggling

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"Okay-I-am-stopit-stopit!" screamed Ziona gasping for breath

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Dylan giggled again and stopped

"Tol' you so!" he said grinning

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Ziona didn't respond, she was still giggling too hard.

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Dylan turned to Skye

"I thin' I tickled her too much" he said with a grin

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Skye was grinning too. "Shwe'll be okway! I thwink she's jwust rweal excwited. I'm swurprwised Mwiles and Hwarmoee dwidn't cwome over!"

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"Can they see us?" Dylan asked looking around

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"Any sense of the other tablets' locations?"


"Gah!" Zunnie got drenched again.

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"They're twalking to ewach owther over thwere!" said Skye pointing.

"TagYou'reIt!" said Ziona suddenly, tapping Dylan.


"Oh, uh, yeah. I'll try, but it'll be harder without a tablet here," said Melody.


Zark winced slightly, not as wet as Zunnie.

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"What do you mean? The tablet is right there."


Zunnie gulped as they began to climb the final, much steeper hill.

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"What.. but... they... I...." Melody looked confused.


Zark grinned in anticipation!

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"Huh?" Dylan said turning in surprise to Ziona. Grinning, he then touched Skye

"Tag!" He exclaimed

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"You gave Shadow and Rouge a location judging from the light that came form the tablet. They didn't take it with them."


Zunnie managed not to scream as she was drenched for the final time.

"Now I know what a drowned rat feels like."

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"HWEY!" Skye tried to jump and catch Ziona, but she flew out of reach, giggling. So he turned and chased Dylan.


"Oh, I thought they had.... " said Melody.


Zark gave a silent chuckle.

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Dylan could see Skye was coming for him so turned invisible

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"HWEY! THWAT'S CHWEATING!" shouted Skye, getting Miles and Harmony's attention.

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Rouge groaned.

"I can use a nap right now."

Shadow picked her up.

"I'll take you back to the base for a meidcal check up, just in case that tablet toook more than just your energy." Shadow used CHaos Control to get them back to the lab, the tablet being caught in the radius and appearing on the floor.


"It's fine, we all make mistakes."


Zunnie got out when the log came to a stop.

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