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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Mawybe we'll fwind out when we bweat it!" said Skye

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"I know, I know. I should've thought of that sooner."


Zunnie headed over and got in line.

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"Goo' idea! I'm sure it won' be too long now!" Dylan said

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Skye nodded as the reached the end of the level. "What's next?"


"I guess you were think more of the project, and less of the practicality," said Melody.


Zark followed Zunnie into line.

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Hope looked downcast. "Yeah, don't remind me."


Zunnie got in the front of the log.

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"Sorry Hope. I didn't mean...."


Zark got in behind.

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"I dunno! It looks like the las' one bu' even scarier!" Dylan said

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"Yeah! But we're still gonna bea' it!" Dylan exclaimed

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"YWEAH!" said Skye as he attacked, only to bounce off the big robot.

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"Let me try!" Dylan said attacking as well only for tge same thing to happen. "HEY!"

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"Thwere mwust bwe SWOME way to hwurt it," said Skye.

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"It's fine." Hope started drawing up new blueprints


As the log started moving Zunnie had a thought.

"More weight in the back means I'm gonna get it good."

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"Do you you wanna try attacking together?" Dylan asked

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"Yes, lwets!" said Skye.


"If.. you're sure Hope,"


Zark gave a silent laugh

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"Ready? GO!" Dylan exclaimed beginning the attack

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Skye attacked as well, but the both bounced off. The robot attacked, but after the attack, the armoured plates took time to slide back into position.

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Dylan's character took damage in the attack

"HEY! Meanie flyin' thingy!" He shouted attacking it again

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"No fwair. Dwon' hwurt my fwriend!" shouted Skye. "Wait, we cwan hwurt it when the armwours down!"

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"Oh yeah! We can! Bu' it won' pu' its armor down until it attacks us!" Dylan whined

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Skye gulped. "I gwuess we gwotta lwet it dwo thwat." He sounded scared.

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"Bu' wha' if it keeps hurtin' us?" Dylan asked sounding worried

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"we've.. gwotta twry to dwodge!" said Skye.

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Dylan nodded

"We can do it!" He then said

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The robot attacked again. Skye almost dodged but still took damage

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