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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope walked off to get what she could, radio in hand.


"I think I'll wait a bit before going on a coaster."

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Melody sat back and waited, sighing again.


Zark grinned. 'Good idea' said his expression with a slight smirk.

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Shadow spotted some ruins but it looked like they wouldn't have the luxury of the somewhat dry cave from before.


Hope returned with some bottled water and some bacon.

"Canteen was serving lunch so I persuaded them to let me bring some up," she said before handing Melody the plate.


Zunnie sat on a bench and stretched her legs.

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Dylan nodded

"Of course we will! Hey, there's 'nother flyin' thingy!" He said pointing

(ooc: Yes. Very well)

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"Thwere's a lwot of thwem!" said Skye as he got onto place. "Rweady?"

(ooc: Killed by the first boss they meet?)


"Thank's Hope," said Melody, forcing a smile she hoped looked genuine. She didn't have the heart to tell Hope she only liked bacon at breakfast.


Zark wandered off a little, looking around, just watching the crowds.

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Rouge located the tablet, and tried picking it up with her gloves on.


(OOC Given how late she got up it might as well be breakfast for her lol).

Hope returned to looking at the map.

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(ooc: Lol, good point. It's more she's too awake)

Melody began eating, hungry enough not to mind that much.

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She managed to get it and bring it to shore, but practically collapsed next to it.

Shadow surfaced and went to check on her.


Hope kept herself busy by looking over some blueprints.

"Now if I can just make it less wrist snapping," she muttered.


Zunnie got up and headed over to Zark.

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"Huh, what was that?" asked Melody looking up. "And aren't you having anything?"


Zark was looking at the people milling around, surprised at how cheerful they were, considering the reports about Eggman the cops had received over the years.

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"My attempts at making a better sidearm hit a snag. And I'm fine."


"Either ignorance id bliss or he's not in the mood for conquest right now."

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"What kind of snag?"


'Both' wondered Zark.

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"It's impossible for a human to shoot."


Zunnie laughed. "Yeah good point."

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Melody gave a laugh. "Just a minor issue then!"


'Let's hope it stays quiet!' said Zark's expression.

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Hope giggled. "Yeah. I think I'll just build a more powerful laser pistol instead of firing this great lump of metal out of a railgun." She pulled a 15mm projectile out of her drawer.


"Agreed. Fighting is the last thing we need."

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"That would solve the recoil... wow!"


Zark nodded

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"Yeah. I think I'll go for shoulder fired rail guns or mounted in a tripod."


"Any suggestions as to what now?"

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"Ready!" Dylan replied. "GO!"

(ooc: Sounds good)

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Skye attack as well, bring down the fly.

"Yweah! Thwey cwan't stwop us!"


"Might be safer with slugs like that!"


Zark shook his head, not sure what to do next.

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"None of the evil thingies can stop us!" Dylan said with confidence

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"Yes! We're gwonna... uh... what are we dwoing?" wondered Skye.

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"Huh? We're playin' this game" Dylan said confused

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"I know... bwut... what's the stwory?" wondered Skye.


"Plus it'd be hard to carry more than a few rounds without a backpack!" added Melody.


Zark nodded and gave a thumbs up

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