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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Maybe... But he seemed to... arrogant for that!" said Melody.


Zark picked Zunnie up and started running.

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"So he probably thinks he already knows how to beat us," said Melody.


Zark smiled for a second, then kept on running,

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"Yeah... but what is he gonna do next?" Melody wondered.


Zark nodded, hoping nothing would come between the exit and them.

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"You heard his babbling about a world of darkness. I'd say the apocalypse is his end goal."


Several of the robotic spider props swarmed the walls, though Zunnie could tell this was just for effect.

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"I was meaning more immediate. I think he still indents to go after Shadow first."


Zark gulped, but kept on running.

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"I'm not sure hpw he will but I'm certain it'll be just as convoluted and risky."


"Zunnie dark tp avoid hitting the door frame.

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"We're doin' it!" Dylan exclaimed

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"Yweah, we've bweaten hwim!" called Skye as the enimie vanished in a puff of smoke. Ziona cheered.


"Yesh, that seems to be his MO," sighed Melody.


Zark skiffed his head slightly and winced in pain.

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"YAY!" Dylan cheered. "Now lets ge' to the checkpoin'" he said moving his character

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Skye also moved his character to the checkpoint

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"True, we should have a bit of time," said Melody.


Zark winced slightly as he felt the top of his head, but nodded.

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"Yeah. So let's work out his next move."


"I'll give it to them this is intense."

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"Hey! There are more enemies after!" Dylan complained as his character reached the checkpoint

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"Cwourse! It's nwot the ewnd of the gwame!" said Skye.


"Could it have something to do with that tablet?" asked Melody.


Zark nodded. He looked ahead, wondering what was next.

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"It's gonna get harder I guess. But we can win!" Dylan exclaimed with a grin

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"I think it must have. So why would he leave it here?"


"I think we made it."

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"Ywes we cwan!" said Skye happily.

"I know you boys can do it," said Ziona.


"Is it booby trapped? Or some kinda focus for his powers as well as the drainage effect?"


Zark gave a sigh of relief.

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Dylan smiled

"Thanks Ziona!" he said beginning to attack the new enemies

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"No problem Dylan. Just go get them!" said Ziona

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"I don't know. He seemed to get around without it."


"Well that was fun," said Zunnie as she got down."

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"Yeah, but now it's here it could be a gateway for him," said Melody.


Zark had a slightly uncertain look on his face.

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"We will! Won' we skye?" Dylan asked

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