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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: It is now, yep.)

"Lwet's gwather thwese up for when Zwiona gwet's bwack," said Skye.


"Uncle Miles, Auntie Harmony! We need a big bag!" said Ziona as she landed next to them.

"You... you too?" asked Miles, a little shock.

"Huh, someone else wants a bag?" asked Ziona confused.

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"Good idea!" Dylan said beginning to gather them up ready for Ziona's return

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"Uh... nevermind, here," said Miles summoning a large bag.

"Thank Uncle Miles!" said Ziona hugging him, then swooping off.

"Isn't ti nice how those kids look up to us," said Harmony smiling.

"It's... kinda strange," said Miles.

"I've got the bag! I've got the bag," Ziona shouted as the landed next to Dylan and Skye.

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"Yay! Thanks Ziona!" Dylan cheered as he began putting tge toys in the bag

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"tHis has been a great day out!" giggles Ziona as she put the toys in the bag, as did Skye.

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"Yeah! Di' you get the money from Uncle Miles an' Auntie Harmony?" Dylan asked

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Ziona's eye's widened. "I'm so sorry Dylan, I forgot. Let's all go ask them!"

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"Good idea!" Dylan said grinning as he put the last toys in

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Skye tried to pick up the bag. "It's twoo bwig!"

"I could fly with it," offered Ziona.

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"Thanks Ziona! Thats very kind of you!" Dylan exclaimed

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Ziona giggled. "It's not a problem Dylan", she said as she picked up the bag and started flying

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Dylan then began running over to Harmony and Miles

"Uncle Miles! Auntie Harmony!" He called out

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"Auntie! Uncle!" Ziona called too.

"What is it you three?" asked Harmony.

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"Can we have a little more money? Please?" Dylan asked

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"Hmm, are you going to spend it all on toys again?" asked Miles.

"We can give you money, BUT it will need to last you the whole day," warned Harmony.

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"It will las'! I promise!" Dylan said grinning

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"Okay, because you won't get any more," said Miles.

"We understand," said Ziona.

"Okay, here you go," said Harmony, handing each kid a pouch of coins.

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Dylan beamed and hugged both foxes

"THANKS!" He exclaimed

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"No problem Dylan," said Miles.

"Thwis is swo cwool! Thwank you!" said Skye.

"Yes. Thank you so much Auntie and Uncle!" said Ziona. Both kids joined in the hugs.

"You're all very welcome!" said Harmony

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Dylan soon broke off the hug

"Let's go do more fun stuff!" He said excitedly

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"Yeah, lets," said Ziona, swooping around them.

"I wanna dwo thwat shwooty gwame!" said Skye.

"I think that might be too violent for you Skye," said Miles.

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"Yeah! It looks scary!" Dylan said

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"Are ywou scwared!" teased Skye.

"I'm not scared! I'll play!" said Ziona.

"No, none of you will be allowed to play it," said Harmony. "The age stickers say 15!"

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Dylan gulped as Ziona said she'd play it but didnt say anything as Harmony spoke

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"That's not far. C'mon Skye, we're gonna play it," said Ziona. She grabbed Dylan's hand.

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