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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Ziona stopped tickling.

"Good boy," she grinned, patting his head.


Zark nodded in appreciation.


Melody watched

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Zunnie earned top prize and decided to choose after Zark had a go.


Rouge continued the beating.

"Any symbols you recognise?" asked Hope.

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Dylan giggled and went a bit red

"Yeah! Thanks!" he said

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"Why dwo you kweep twurning rwed?" asked Skye.


"I think so," said Melody. "Look in the diary, I think there may be a key there."


Zark got comfortable and started shooting.

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Hope had a look through the diary for the symbols.


Zunnie gave Zark some space to get in the zone.

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"Huh?" Dylan asked looking down at himself. He then went back to his normal blue colour. "I dunno! I jus' do!"

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"Why is it jwust Zwiona you dwo thwat with?" asked Skye.


"Any joy?" asked Melody.


Zark hit all the targets, but only winged one.

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"Uh... I dunno Skye!" Dylan said. His voice then went down to a whisper. "But her hugs do feel... Differen'"

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"Oh rweally?" said Skye, smirking

"They.. they do?" asked Ziona

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Dylan jumped and looked embarrassed. He hadn't expected Ziona to hear that

"Um... Yeah they do!" he said a little nervous about admitting it

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"That's sweet!" smiled Ziona. Skye's smirk grew and he started to giggle.

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Dylan gave a smile, not noticing Skye's gigglings

"Is it really swee'" he asked

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"Oh, yes, really sweet," said said, hugging him again.

Skye began chanting. "Dwylan an' Zwiona switting in a trwee! K-I-S-S-OW!" Ziona slapped Skye on the head.

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Dylan went a little red again and smiled happily. But that smile fell as he heard Skye and he stepped back, a little panicked

"Nuh uh! That's love stuff an' love stuff is gross!" he said. He was now very red

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"Oh rweally?" teased Skye "I think you...". Ziona hit him again.

"Stop being silly Skye. I've already got a boyfriends so Dylan can't love me!" she said.

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"Exactly! An' love stuff is really gross too!" Dylan said relieved at what Ziona had said. However he couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous of Glen and felt very embarrassed for feeling that way

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Skye was still smirking but didn't say anything. Ziona glowered at him and stomped off. Skye wanderd next to Dylan. "I still think you want to kiss her though!" he teased.

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Zark shrugged.


"Great, let's see it," said Melody. "Can you make out what it says?"

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Zark gave a 'I need to hit the firing range again' look.


"Good. It's a step in the right direction. As is Rouge beating the snot outta our friend here," said Melody.

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"Her kisses are nice..." Dylan began. "Bu' it's NOTHIN' to do with gross love stuff!"

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(ooc: Feel free to interrupt Skye!)

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Dylan jumped as Skye began to shout and covered his mouth

"Stop bein' mean to me or... I'll tell your dad!" he said looking upset

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"Ywou're gwonna grwass on me? I thwoght you were bwetter thwan thwat!" said Skye in a muffled voice. Then he saw how upset Dylan was. "Uh... sowwy Dwlan."

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