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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Cwool. Maybe she stwill in the gym," said Skye. "Lwet's go!"

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"Yeah! Maybe she is" Dylan agreed getting ready to follow

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Skye suddenly vanished from the dinosaur valley, reappearing in the lab.

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Dylan jumped back in surprise then tried to focus on leaving, and ended up appearing back in the lab too

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"Swee, easy," said Skye as Ziona appeared next to them

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"Wha' about Zunnie, Zamy an' Auntie Anna?" Dylan asked

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"I dwunno," said Skye. "Thwey shwould be out swoon!"

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"Yweah," said Skye.

"I could wait for them while you find Harmony," said Ziona.

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"Really?" Dylan asked Ziona. "Coul' you do tha'?"

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"Sure Dylan," said Ziona, swooping to the top of the lab and hanging from the roof. "Just don' take too long!"

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"Okay. See you soon," waved Ziona.

"Lwet's go," said Skye, jogging from the room."

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"Comin'!" Dylan said running after Skye

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Skye giggled and kept on running

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"Slow down Skye! You're too fas'!" Dylan called as he noticed Skye pulling ahead

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Skye slowed down but still kept running. "Where are the rwoller skwates?" he asked.

"I thought we said not until you leaned to use them!" called Miles from behind.

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Dylan stopped and turned

"Uncle Miles!"

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"Hello you two. What were you doing in the lab?" asked Miles.

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"Skye made this super cool worl' with lots of dinosaurs!" Dylan explained enthusiastically

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"You do?" asked Miles impressed.

"Yeah. You swould see it!" said Skye.

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Mephiles disappeared with a laugh, leaving Shadow to figure out how to remove the tablet.

"Times like these I wish Eggman would scheme more often. At least he tries to kill us directly."


Zamy and Zunnie swiftly exited back to the room with Zark and Miles.

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Anna reappeared in the lab too, grateful to be on solid ground again.

"There you are," called Ziona, swooping down from the ceiling. "Skye and Dylan wen' to find Harmony."

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"They should do," said Ziona. "If we wait for them"

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