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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Alrigh' I'll go say hello properly" Dylan said climbing down next to where Skye was before standing up and looking up at Zunnie, still feeling a little nervous

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"Yes, until Ziona is back to herself again."


"True I guess." Zamy teleported them to Haven.

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"Hwerself?" asked Skye confused. He turned to Ziona who had flown down. "Are you gwoning bwack? I thwough you were stwaying hwere an' gowing to schwool with Dwylan and I after the hwolidays"

"Course I'm not going back. I live here now and I am staying with you and Dylan," said Ziona.


"Now let's try and get everyone together for the amusement park," said Miles

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"Yay! I don' wan' you to go back Ziona! I wan' you to stay with us! School will be much funner with you!" Dylan said turning to Ziona

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"I don't wanna go back either," said Ziona. "I LOVE it here!"

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Zunnie rolled her eyes at Ziona's remark.


Zamy started searching for her colleagues.

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"I wonder where they all are," said Miles as he looked around

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"I just hope that is Skye is in the lab he hasn't messed up the experiments I had running," said Miles

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Zark nodded at the two of them. As he was standing in the doorway, Miles was reluctant to enter.

"Green Portal... uh... no..."

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Skye turned as Zamy appearent on the back of the dinosaur. "Hi Zwamee!" he said happily

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"I cwreated thwis mwagical world for ewverybody to plway in!" said Skye happily.

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"I see. Well that reminds me I need to install a tracker in you and Dylan. Miles suggested you go to the amusement park today so it's important we know where you are."

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"Amwusement pwark?" asked Skye, eye's wide. "Yweah, thwat swounds aweswome! Bwut I've alweady gwot a chwip in me. Dwylan doesn't."

"I don't," said Ziona, landing. "So I guess you should put one in me, as I'm not really myself."

"Ywes you awre!"

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"I'm a big gir;. It'll be fine," said Ziona sticking out her arm

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"Tracker? I don' nee' a tracker!" Dylan said

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"I've gwot one. Zwiona's gwetting one, so you shwould hwave one," said Skye,

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Zamy put the tracker in Ziona. "Don't worry Dylan when the time comes I'll take it out."

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Ziona gave a little squeal as it was implanted, and started rubber her hand.

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Dylan gulped at the squeal Ziona made

"Bu' I'm no' gonna run away so do I have to have one?" he asked

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"It didn't hurt. Really," lied Ziona

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