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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Anna had struggled to keep a straight face when Dylan had described Harmony as a witch, but her smile quickly faded as the description went on. She went over and hugged Dylan tightly. "There there, it's alright." said Anna. "Why does it upset you so much? Do you think... that you do want to stay like this?" she asked cautiously.


Ziona's ears dropped. "But they can't find out. Not until Glen and I find someway of making sure we can stay together."

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Dylan hugged back and slowly after a little thought, he nodded his head

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"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry Dylan," said Anna hugging back.

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"Not all of me does!" Dylan said still crying. "But... I keep wanting to more an' more"

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"Are you sure it's you?" asked Anna. "And not the spell itself?"

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"Maybe... but I can 'member being this way for a long time but I can' really 'member what I used to be like. So maybe I wanna stay this way 'cause it's all I 'member being!" Dylan said

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"You still have time. A full investigation would have to be done retrospectively after all the cases are sorted out."

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"Once you get back to normal, you can think about it with a more level head," said Anna.


"That's good... I... I should know that," said Ziona, sounding a little huffy with herself.

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"But what if I decide I wanna to stay this way before that?" Dylan asked. "An besides, Auntie Harmony an' Uncle Miles like me better this way! Was I mean to them?"

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"I think it's best, even if you really want to stay, that you change back first," said Anna. "Harmony likes you as a kid because she didn't really know you as an adult. And Miles... well... do you remember that he's kinda trying to reform from being a bad guy? You were pretty mean to each other, or so I heard. Or his evil future version was mean to you, so you were mean to him..."

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"I was mean to Uncle Miles?" Dylan asked sounding more upset. "I don' wanna be mean to him! He's nice!"

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"He is nice now," said Anna. "He wasn't before."


"Don't worry about it Zunnie, it's not your fault," said Ziona. "I should'a 'membered, but with this whole kiddifying spell an' all..."

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"Really?" Dylan asked sounding really surprised. "Why not?"

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"Because he... WE... grew up in a world that wasn't nice Dylan. He lost his parents, and his memories. I was... trained to be horrible. But we've both escaped from that world and are trying to be nice people now," said Anna.


"I just hope nothin' happens to you two!" said Ziona smiling. "Everyone from a different Zone in this little group has had some kinda bad thing happen to them!"

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"Tha' sounds awful!" Dylan said shocked by what he had heard. "You're doin' really REALLY well at being really nice after tha'!"

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Anna smiled. "Th--- thank you Dylan.I'm just scared I might slip back. I really don't want that to happen."


"The odds are against you," said Ziona. "Me, Skye and Dylan all kiddyfied, Zet got stabbed and is under arrest, Melody's got a broken back, Anna had a nervous breakdown, Zamy got possessed and had her memories messed around, Miles lost a tail, and Harmony... Well, she got lucky and is only a fox instead of a mongoose. Nothing bad's happened to Red or Glen yet. And Crowley's safe, unless you count Anna having a massive crush on him!"

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"I don' wan' you to be mean again! I wanna help you stay nice!" Dylan said hugging tighter

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"That's true, though the report also lists two GUN agents, so that adds to the people who got lucky. We should be in that little posse too."

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"I'm sure with your help I'll stay nice, just like you're helping Miles stay nice too!" said Anna. "I'm not sure if he'd have managed it without you and Zamy."


"The GUN agents are from this Zone, so I wasn't counting them," said Ziona.

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"I'm sure he could 'cause he is really nice! Besides, he has you an' Skye an' everyone here!" Dylan said grinning

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Anna smiled. "I guess he does, yes."


"Unless you know somethin' about them you're not tellin' me!" teased Ziona.

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