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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"YAY!" Dylan cheered before rushing to the table

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"Oof." Zunnie steadied herself and gave Ziona a tentative hug. "Good to see you too, cutie. How are you coping?"

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Anna quickly made a hot chocolate for both herself and Dylan.

"Now be careful, it's pretty hot," said Anna as she handed Dylan's to him.


"Really good!" said Ziona smiling as she jumped off Zunnie, looking up at her. "I'm all settled in after the move here and I've made some great new friends!"

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"What do you mean me again?" Ziona asked confused. "I am me. I..." She suddenly took a step back, blinking rapidly. "Sorry Zunnie. It's getting harder and harder to remember things properly. It should only be a week or so."

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"That's ok. Do you want a notepad or something to wriye down everything you remember? Might help to jog your memory."

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"Hmm, that's a good idea," said Ziona. She steped away from the door. "Do you two wanna come in?"

Ziona raised her hand to her head as if she was going to scratch behind her ear, then pulled her hand down. There was now a small notepad and a coloured pencil in it. "There we go!" she said smiling.

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Zark smiled and nodded, stepping inside. He looked around impressed.

"It seems to be when I start 'membering things properly they all come back," said Ziona, scribbling in her notebook. "Uh, except my writing skills."

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"I think it will, as long as I 'member I've got the book," said Ziona. "So how've things been with you? I didn't know you were coming."

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Dylan happily took the hot chocolate and took a sip, only to spit it out again from being too hot

"Ow!" he said sticking his tongue out

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"Are you okay," said Anna, rushing over.

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"They've been fine. I've been doing mostly admin work up until now," she replied as shr came in.

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"It was hot!" Dylan replied staring at the hot chocolate

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"I did warn you," said Anna. "And it is HOT chocolate. Just wait for it to cool down slightly."


"Awww, that's just BOR-ING!" said Ziona, slipping her notebook into a pocket. "Do either of you wan' anything?" she offered. Zark shook his head.

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"Oh, okay," said Ziona sitting down. "I would introduce you to my b.... my, er, friend Zunnie, but he's still sleeping right now.

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"Sorry Auntie Anna" Dylan said looking guilty

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"Hey now, don't look like that," said Anna. "Just wait for it to cool then it will be fine." She took a sip of her own. "Sorry, it's just I like mine really hot." She took another sip then turned back to Dylan. "So, do you want to talk about your dream?"

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"I understand. And I'm sorry to say you might get a stern talkingvto by management when they find out."

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"Oh yeah... Are you sure you wanna hear it? It was scary!" Dylan said

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"Of course Dylan. It will make it less scary for you, and you'll feel better," said Anna.


Ziona eyes widened. "M-management? B-but they won't find out will they? You won't tell them Zunnie. We're friends right? You're not gonna tattle on me, are you? Are you?"

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"O-okay" Dylan said shakily as he began to retell his dream, missing out only how he had been normal at the beginning since he couldn't remember what he was like then. Only he had momentarily been normal. As he reached the end, he burst into tears again

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"I won't but they'll find out sooner or later. Your partner can only leave out the derails for so long. Managememt will want to corroborate everything and everyone."

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