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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye had set up the lab equipment is something that almost resembled the mousetrap game Harmony and Dylan had played the day before.

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"I can't see them sending unfriendly people to a job like this," said Miles.

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As Dylan got closer he could see a dark figure in a pointed hat stirring something in a pot. He cautiously moved closer slowly recognizing the figure

"Auntie Harmony?" he asked

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"You never know after that pool incident, and at least one is a magic specialist."

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"I suppose you have a point, but right now they would be dealing with children not deranged killers... erm, uh, well... you know what I mean..."

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"Yes we will," said Miles as he got some juice from the fridge. "We could do with a big breakfast. We'll need the energy if we're taking the kids to the amusement park."

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"That sounds great," said Miles as he pour four glasses of juice, then put the kettle on.

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The witch-Harmony looked up

"Hello Nephew. Would you like to try my brew?" she asked. There was something off in her voice

"What is it?" Dylan asked sounding interested. He felt he had no reason to distrust his aunt

"It's a special brew which will make you happier. It turns you into a kid" she said smiling

Dylan stepped back, with an expression of horror

"NO!" he shouted, panicked. "I don't want to be be a kid!"

"Well it's not like you need it, anyway. You're already a kid" Harmony said

Dylan gulped and looked down at himself, realizing that his time being normal again was over and that he was back to being a chameleon kid

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"Should I get washed and dressed before they come?" asked Miles.

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"Okay," said Miles. He jogged into his room to grab his gloves and boots then headed into the bathroom.

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Miles began to wash in his normal lengthy way, then he remembered how soon the cops were arriving so sped up.

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"This... This can't be true!" Dylan whined

"But it is. And you prefer it too" Harmony said

"What? No!" Dylan cried out

"Yes. You know you'd rather stay a kid than to be back to normal" Harmony said giving a wide creepy grin

"No! I want to be normal!" Dylan shouted and was shocked when he began to think about how much more fun he would have as child. Suddenly everywhere went dark again except for another light up ahead. As he made his way towards it, he could hear laughter. Childish laughter

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(ooc: Bad dream-Harmony! Making Dylan think things like that!)

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(ooc: Actually, she just pointed out a harsh semi- truth. Bad dream Harmony for doing that!)

As he got closer, he could make out two figures chasing each other around, laughing. Occasionally he would hear the word "tag!" shouted by one of the figures, which it didn't take long for him to recognize that those voices belonged to Skye and Ziona

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Skye nodded at the creation he'd made, then wandered over to the ritual circle. He stared at it for a moment, then rummaged around for some chalk.

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As soon as his friends spotted Dylan, they ran over shouting "Dylan!" then they grabbed his hands and began spinning in a circle singing "ring-a-ring-a-rosies". In his confusion Dylan joined in and while he didn't want to, he was really enjoying himself and fell to the ground laughing childishly at the end with Skye and Ziona

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"I thwink I cwan stwill do thwis," said Skye, kneeling down and drawing on the ground.

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Dylan's friends went over and pulled him up

"Come on Dylan! Let's go play!" Ziona said eagerly

"Yweah! All the weally fwun gwames for kwids lwike us!" Skye said equally eager

"That sounds fun..." Dylan began but stopped himself. "But no. I'm not a kid!"

"Yes you are!" the other two kids said. "And you want stay as one! So we can play together and have lots of fun FOREVER!"

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(ooc: poor Dylan)

"Okway, I thwink I'm rweady," said Skye as he rolled the chalk away and moved to the centre of the circle.

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