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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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'Hmm, you might have a point.... Still, it would be impressive,' thought Melody as she carefully lowered herself from her wheelchair to the sleeping bag on the floor.


Miles had a matching smile. "Then we're both making each other really happy."

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"Yeah. Anyway, goodnight Melody."


"Good to know." Zamy let go of Miles. "Have a nice sleep."

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"Good night Hope. Don't dream too loud!" laughed Melody as she got her legs comfortable.


"You too Zamy," said Miles. "You deserve a break!"

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"I would say I'll do the same, but I don't dream so you don't need to worry! Goodnight Hope!"


"Good night Zamy," called Miles as he settled down to sleep.

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Hope slowly nodded off to sleep.


Zamy smiled and left to the living room.

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Melody lay awake for a while, still having difficulty sleeping comfortably with her legs, but eventually drifted off to sleep.


Miles turned over in bed, and rapidly fell asleep.

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Shadow and Rouge left for their apartment, Rouge going to bed shortly after whilst Shadow stayed in the study to ponder his next move.


Zamy sat in the living room and started typing her report.

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Everyone: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz!

(ooc: I'm ready to shift to the next day when everyone else is)

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(ooc: I'll be ready when everyone else is ready)

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(ooc: So... uh... they game is on hold until Locke and Shadow finish with Merlin?)

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(OOC Or we could move ahead with evrryone else and just hold the tomeframe on Moebius?"

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(ooc: I'm easy. If people want to we can?)

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(ooc: So wakey wakey time then!)

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Hope woke up with a yawn and turned over . "Morning Melody."


Rouge was already up and in the shower, and Shadow was in the kitchen making his breakfast, having stayed up in the study all night.


Zamy woke up with her head on the table and hurried into her room to change into a fresh uniform before her backup arrived in 10 minutes.

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Skye had woken up a few hours earlier, but seeing it was so earlier, had wander down to his lab, and was now playing around with some of the equipment there.


Harmony had spent the night sleeping in the gym, and was still dozing there.


Melody didn't respond to Hope, sleeping deeply.


Anna slowly woke up, but decided to just turn over go back to sleep until someone needed here.


Miles woke up and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He knew he was 'home', but it took a moment to remember where 'home' was. He got up to make breakfast, quietly in case Zamy was still sleeping.


Ziona opened one eye, seeing Glen sleeping next to her. Giggling, she started piling her cuddly toys on top of him.

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Hope got up and crept out to the kitchen, trying not to disturb Melody.


Zamy emerged frim her room just putting her boots on. "Morning Miles. Sleep well?"


Shadow took the breakfasts into the bedroom.

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Melody stirred slightly as Hope left, but didn't wake.


"Pretty well," said Miles, smiling. "A few odd dreams, but nothing like last night. What about you?"

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Hope got the kitchen and poured herself some cereal.


"I think I did, though I fell asleep on my paperwork. It's all done though."


Rouge emerged from the bathroom and walked over to her wardrobe to get properly dressed.

"Have a nice time brooding last night?" she joked.

Shadow rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah, definitely," he replied sarcastically.

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"At least you managed to get it done? Are you sure you're feeling fine after that? Do you want me to make breakfast?" offered Miles.

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"Is that all?" asked Miles surprised. "You must be relieved!"

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Dylan was still asleep. He was dreaming. In his dream he was his old self, which made him happy. He could feel the spines on his back. Never had he been so happy to have them. It was also dark in his dream but in the distant he could see a light shining. He began making his way towards it, but slowed down as he could hear something in the distance. It sounded like a cackling

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