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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"And then what?" Dylan asked excitedly

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"It took a thundering step towards them...."

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Dylan gulped and held tightly onto Harmony's tail again

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"Yeah. I wonder what'll get him first, the crew or the alien."


"The first one is Zark, and the second is Zunnie. Why oh why do we Zone Cops have to have names with a Z at the start? It doesn't even make sense."

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"Then the stegosaurus liked the lead space man, happy it had been healed."


"I think the crew. More poetic that way."


Anna giggled. "Maybe it's a tradition or something? And eveyone is too scared to break it."

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"Yeah and woah! Looks like they just started. He's a robot!?"


"I think that might be it. But yes that's whose coming."

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Dylan cheered, accidentally letting go of Harmony's tail in the process. Then he tried to reach down and pick it up again

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Harmony smiled, and lifter her tail up so Dylan could reach it.


"Wow... evil robot or no that's kinda horrific!"


"I wonder what they're like," said Anna as Miles returned with two glasses of juice, handing one to Anna.

"Do you want anything Zamy?" he asked.

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Dylan grabbed it and held onto it tightly again

"Thanks" he said smiling at Harmony

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"I don't think it can feel pain. Though milk was an odd choice for blood," joked Shadow.


"I haven't a clue, so I assume not too different from their Prime versions. And I''m fine thank you Miles."

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"No problem Dylan," said Harmony.


"Maybe oil was a little too cliched?"


"Okay. I'll just grab some snacks," said miles, heading back into the kitchen.

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"Now continue with the story!" Dylan said sounding excited again

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"Okay Dylan. So, the stegosaurus was now their friend, but there was still the T-rex outside. And the still needed to fix they ship."


"And maybe they wanted it to look wierd," said Melody.


(ooc: oops!)

"I think he meant snacks," said Anna. "You've... you've done really well with him Zamy. There he is, one of the most selfish boys I know, offering to help without even being asked."

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"So what did they do?" Dylan asked

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"There waited till night when the T-rex had fallen asleep. Then, very very quietly, the astronauts and stegosaurus crept past the sleeping predator," said Melody

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Dylan looked a little worried

"The T-Rex didn't wake up, did it?" he asked

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"The T-rex snorted... It's head rose very slightly....."

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Dylan his his face behind Harmony's tail worried for the heroes

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"The heroes paused.... and the T-rex dropped his head and went back to sleep.."


"Wait, what are they doing with the head now?" wondered Melody. "I wonder, is it predjuste that the only human on the cast was the evil robot?"


"Luck?" asked Anna surprised.

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Dylan peeked out from behind Harmony's tail but still looked worried

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"Not really, the sequel has plenty of humans that aren't evil."


"Yeah, luck that I got him talking in the cell in the first place."

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"So our heroes and the dinosaur made their way quietly back to the ship."


"There's a sequel?" asked Melody. "Do we have that one too?"


"Yeah, I suppose it all comes back to that," said Anna.

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"I don't unfortunately, do you Shadow?" asked Hope. Shadow shook his head.


"But that's not to say it was smooth sailing after that."

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