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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye was still trying to convince Harmony there were more pages in the book. He took it from her, and was disappointed to see it wasn't the case.


"I'll try not to make any more jokes like that," said Melody.


"Thanks," said Anna.

"Do whatever you'll enjoy," said Miles.


"Nuh uh, I'm not tired," said Ziona stubbornly, trying not to yawn.

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"Thanks," said Hope as on screen the crew hunted for the creature.


"Exactly. You enjoying it is the main thing."


On Moebius, the pair crept towards what they assumed was an illusion before the elder hurled an anarchy spear at it to spring any trap.

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"A tiny creature like that isn't going to be much of a threat if they're careful," said Melody.


Anna nodded. "Maybe I should try painting. I... got excited when Dad was talking tp me about colouring my room, so it could be a good idea."

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"But given their track record so far this film...."


"I'll need to get all the stuff for it though," said Anna.

"Actually, Haven might have it already. I found a lot of artistic stuff when I was looking for things to keep the kids occupied," said Miles, then made a slight grimace that he'd called them kids.

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Dylan peeked over at the book

"Aw... That s the end. I wanted to hear more!" he whined

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"Yeah, they'll mess it up."


"And even if there wasn't it's not that expensive, we could've gotten it for you."

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"Maybe there's another book," said Harmony.

"You cwould jwust mwake up mwore story," said Skye.


"Oh, looks like they already have... Stupid Chao, why was one of those on board?" muttered Melody.


"That's true," said Miles.

Anna smiled in thanks.

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"Probably someone's pet."


"Anyway, glad you've got an avenue to try out."

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"Yeah! Make up another story! You're last was was great!" Dylan said enthusiastically

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"But I... I didn't make up that story...." said Harmony, looking a little worried.


"Which... they keep out in the open with no one to feed it while they sleep?" Melody said.


"Yeah. I hope it works out," said Anna

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"I know, but your stories are still great" Dylan said smiling

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"Plweeeeze!" said Skye with wide pleading eyes.


"Maybe it's in league with the alien," joked Melody.


"Thanks Zamy," said Anna

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"Yeah! Pretty please!" Dylan begged, also looking wide-eyed

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Harmony was unable to withstand the frontal assault from both boys. "Okay, Okay. I'll... I'll try!"

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'"YAY! Thanks Auntie Harmony!" Dylan cheered before hugging Harmony

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Skye hugged her too.

"Oof, okay boys. But I can't tell a story with you crushing the breath from my body!"


"It's not impossible. I saw a film in the shop that was 'Night of the living dead chao' or something like that.


"I'm sure it'll help get your confidence back up," said Miles.

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"Sorry!" Dylan said looking guilty as he released Harmony. Instead he hugged one of her tails

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"What the....that just sounds ridiculous," said Ahadow.


"Yeah. It might get a certain man's attention as well," said Zamy.

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Harmony smiles when Dylan hugged her tail.

"Okay, let's see. So the space heroes had just beaten the evil monster, but the ship was broken and they needed to fix it," she began.


"It looked it," said Melody giggling.


"R-r-really? You think it m-might?" asked Anna.

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Dylan kept hold of Harmony's tail as he listened to the story, becoming very excited to hear it

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"So the headed to the nearest planet they could find. And when they landed, they, uh... found.."

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"Found what, Auntie Harmony?" Dylan asked hugging Harmony's tails tighter

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