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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Maybe he... just ate too fast..." suggested Melody.


Anna and Miles both paused eating and stared at Zamy.


"You're joking!"

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"No it's too.... pained for that," said Shadow, having a good idea of what was to come.


"No. You'll have to do something with your life and from what I can tell assassins aren't that popular here."

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"I've laying odds he's turning INTO a monster," said Melody.


"Well, yeah I know, but that doesn't mean school, right?" asked Anna. "I could find something else..."

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"I'm thinking it's a little more explosive."


"Like an apprenticeship or some other training?"

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"What do you mean by... Ugh!" Melody gave a small jump.


"I... I... I guess so. I... didn't really think about what I was going to do now," said Anna.

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Hope jumped as well as a small creature burst through on screen, whilst Shadow chuckled slightly.


"I don't blame you, you had other priorities."

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"I think I'm gonna be sick...."


"I wonder what I could do know," said Anna. "My skills are kinda limited."

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Hope turned away from the screen, almost green faced.


"You could be a vigorous personal trainer if you toned it down a bit."

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Melody leaned over and patted Hope on the shoulder.


"As in take out the lethal traps?" laughed Anna. "No I... I don't think... I could tell people what to do," she said shyly.

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"I'm... I'm ok," said Hope as she turned back around. "I'll get used to it."


"Ok, it was only a suggestion."

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"That's not necessarily a good thing Hope," said Melody.


"I think it was a good one," said Miles. "You just need to beat your shyness Anna. I'm sure you can."

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"I knw. But it's only a movie I mean."


"Yes I'm sure you can as well. Just take it a step at a time. What are you shy about?"

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"Yeah, that's true. There isn't gribbly nasties like that in real life... Uh, well, of the 'bursting out of stomach' variety anyway."


"Well... I... uh..." Anna was looking at her shoes.

"Her self-confidence was shattered when she first met her.... her family," said Miles.

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"I know, I know."


"I see. Well we need to get you some of that back, somehow."

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"Sorry, I'll shut up now," said Melody.


"Not too much," murmured Anna.

"I don't think getting your confidence back if going to turn you into an assassin again Anna. That's not how it works," said Miles.

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"No, don't do that."


"Exactly. It would just mean you're even more outgoing and friendly."

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"But I'm talking over the film," said Melody smiling.


"The trouble is," said Anna with a small smile, "my confidence was all about being a great assassin."

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"Oh yeah," muttered Hope as she returned to watching.


"You'll find confidence in some other activity, or maybe something would happen to boost your confidence regardless."

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Melody gave a slight giggle, gave an apologetic look at Shadow and Rouge,then started watching the film again.


"Maybe. I'll just need to find something else I'm good at," said Anna.

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"Well let's hope your stomach holds until the end ofvthe film," joked Shadow.


"It's worth a try."

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"Unlike that poor guy's," joked Melody rather tastelessly.


"Any idea what that could be?" asked Miles. Anna shook her head.

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"That was harsh even by my standards."


"What about painting or something else expressive?"

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Melody looked a little awkward. "Sorry, I should have realised this wasn't the best place for that joke."


"I haven't tried anything creative or expressive before. It's a good idea," said Anna. "But don't you dare suggest singing," she added to Miles.

"I wasn't going to!" said Miles sincerely.

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Deep within the shadow , an old fox was bidding for his time , waiting for he right moment to strike ......

His time would come, and so would these two black hedgehog ....If it was his god's will.


"Skye , skye , where are you ?" It seemed that locke finally got back to his sense , looking for his son ." And where is dylan as well ?"


"Well, I suppose it's time for you to rest, since you seem tired." Proposed Glen.

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