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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay then," said Harmony. "Hey, you were right, there ARE more pages!"


"That's not a good thing," muttered Melody/


"Well, uh, I'd have thought you'd like to bot have the hassle of that as well as everything else," said Miles

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Dylan grinned and began bouncing in his seat again

"See! I told you it wasn' the end!" he said

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"No, even worse now they've gone down to the surface," said Hope.


"Good point, though it might give me a distraction."

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"Then let's find out what happens," said Harmony.

"Yweah, yweah, yweah!" enthused Skye.


"I that guy taking his helmet off? That's just asking for trouble!"


"I sure we can find other ways to distract you that won't involved Miles gaining an oversized waste line!" joked Anna.

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Dylan stopped bouncing and listened carefully, waiting for Harmony to continue

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"No, don't go near that.... egg thing."


Zamy laughed. "I sure hope so."

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Harmony started the story again.


"He almost deserves whatever bad thing happens to him," said Melody.


"Yes, I'd rather not get a waist line!" said Miles smiling.

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Dylan grinned as she began reading and made a couple of happy noises

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Hope jumped a little when something leapt onto the man's face.


"I could always do it regardless of your fitness."

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Skye was making happy squeaks as well, then started whopping as the monster was beaten.


"That's.... oh god that's horrible!" muttered Melody pulling a face.


""I don't think I'll need it. I've stayed in shape so far," said Miles.

"But you... you weren't exactly taking proper care of yourself with meals before Miles," pointed out Anna a little sorrowfully. "Now you got people looking after you."

"You think I might... get a little soft?" asked Miles. He turned to Zamy. "Would you really want to do it?"

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"Is it... eating him?" wondered Melody.


"Well... if you wouldn't mind me joining you Zamy," said Miles.

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"No, it's dead now apparently. And he looks fine," said Hope.


"I wouldn't mind."

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Melody cocked her head. "That was quick..." She picked up the DVD box. "Either the run time is wrong, they put the wrong DVD in, or things are gonna get worse."


"And the amount of time I tried to get you to join me for training," sighed Anna.

"I doubt Zamy's training will be lethal if you slip," said Miles. "At least I hope not!"

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"I think it might be the latter."


Zamy laughed. "No it's not going to kill you."

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"It should be okay. Just slap him in a decon chamber or an airlock for a few hours to be on the safe side," said Melody,


"Awww, but it's no fun then!" said Anna.

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"Yeah, cause they're NOT putting him in the decon chamber..." muttered Melody.


"I means you focus more. Keeps you sharp," said Anna.

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"No, that they aren't. I don't think he should really be eating." said Hope.


"One wrong move and you'll have wasted ypur training though. It's asking to lose."

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"YAY!" Dylan cheered as the monster was beaten. "An' don' come back, evil space monster!"

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"He's bweaten for gwood!" said Skye confidentiality.


(ooc: sorry for missing your post Shadow)

"For crying out... These people almost deserve something bad to happen to them! "


"But that's the same on the job as well," said Anna.

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"Yeah! What happens next!" Dylan asked excitedly

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"I'm inclined to agree," said Shadow.


"Not anymore. You're unemployed."

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Harmony finsihed the last page of the book.

"An' what hwappined nwext?" asked Skye.

"That's the end of the book Skye. For real this time," replied Harmony.


"I mean, being lax at the start was fair enough, but once the gribbly thing actually showed up..."


Anna paused for a moment. "Huh, yeah I guess you're right...."

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"Indeed, and it looks like it's about to get even worse."


"I suppose you'll have to go to school or something."

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