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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope sat down and started watching as the titles came on to ominous music.


"Not this big I hope or your metabolism would be the envy of dieters everywhere."

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"They really are trying to force the mood," said Melody.


Miles laughed. "No. At the very most half of what I've had today. And normally not even that."

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Dylan giggled, hearing the noises Skye was doing

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"I'd say more set it. In case you walked in expecting a black comedy or something," said Hope.


"Good to know."

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Harmony tired not to giggle when Dylan started, focusing on reading the story.


"Well, if the film is bad enough, maybe it will become one," said Melody.


"I'm not a glutton all the time," said Miles.

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"I hope it isn't or I'd want a refund," said Hope.


"I never said you were."

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"Did you keep the receipt?" asked Melody.


"She did," said Miles pointing at Anna.

"Wha? No I didn't!" protested Anna.

"You looked like it," said Miles.

"Uh... I just thought... maybe a little..." Anna admitted.

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"Yes, though I've got high hopes still."


"If it helps Anna, he won't be able to eat like this normally even if he wanted to. I'll be around."

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"Yeah, it looks good so far," said Melody as the ship appeared on screen. "But looks ain't everything!"


"My own personal dietitian," joked Miles. Anna snorted into her drink.

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"Perhaps not everything, but they count for a lot," added Rouge.


"That sounds too pleasant for the role I had in mind."

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"You'd need to work a lot harder without then," said Melody.


"You... what were you planning... is this the exercise thing again?" asked Miles.

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"No matter the cost?" asked Melody a bit teasingly.


"That... doesn't sound so bad," said Miles.

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"Keep reading!" Dylan said bouncing in his chair

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Locke eventualy got back up ."I'm..fine..Mostly."


"I guess you liked my story ...Somehow ... I'm not very good at tellin them to be honest."Admitted glen.

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"For someone like me they just come naturally, there is no cost," said Rouge.


"Of course if you put on too much weight you will get a training regimen," laughed Zamy.

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Harmony paused, just as the space monster appeared. "I don't know Dylan. I think it's the end of the book," she teased.


"But what about a decade or two on?" asked Melody


"I know, I know! I don't want that to happen!" said Miles.


"I thought you told it BRILLIANTLY" said Ziona smiling.

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"NONONO! It CAN'T be the end!" Dylan said panicked. "The heroes have to defeat the space monster still!"

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"I have my ways, don't worry."


"Neither do I Miles. Just a reminder," smiled Zamy.

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"Really, are you sure?" asked Harmony.

"Yweah we're swure Hwarmoee! The storiwe isn't owver!" whined Skye.


"Care to share?" asked Melody.


"I'll take it to heart!" grinned Miles.

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"I wouldn't be in this job if I couldn't keep secrets," replied Rouge.



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Dylan leaned over to get a closer look

"See? There are more pages! So it can' be the end!" he exclaimed, pointing at the book

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"So you really think there's more?" asked Harmony, grinning now.


"Aww," went Melody, but smiling. Then she turned back to the movie.


"I don't think you'd like being a fitness instructor to me anyway," said Miles.

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Shadow, Rouge and Hope also returned to the movie as the ship picked up a beacon from a uninhabited planet.


"And why's that?" asked Zamy.

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"YES! YES!" Dylan said insistently

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