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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah! Yeah!" Dylan said excitedly

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"Mwe twoo!" said Skye.

"Okay then." Harmony started reading the book, putting on different voices for all the different dinosaurs, and renaming the t-rex in the story to 'Rexy'.

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"Hey Rexy! You're in it!" Dylan said grinning to Rexy

"Rargh!" Rexy replied

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"He won't. I'll shove my baton so far down his throat it'll look like he has a second tail if he comes within 1000 miles of you. Besides, Crowley's a professional."

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Harmony smiled, pleased that Dylan was enjoying his pet's cameo.


"Great, thanks Hope. Now lets give it a spin," said melody as she tried to clamber back into her chair.


Miles smiled. "Thank you Zamy. I almost want to see that happen!"

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Hope helped Melody into her chair. "That's the on/off switch. And the stick controls all movement."


"So do I now," laughed Zamy.

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"Thanks for the lift. And got it. But should we practice somewhere other than your room?" asked Melody.


Miles started laughing to, while Anna smiled and returned to her chair

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"Yeah, let's go back to the lab. It's more spacious."


"Ahem, anyway, yes, that's what he's sorting out."

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"Hey, there's one more thing we should add. A platform at the back so you can start there and be driven along too," said Melody,.


"I'm SURE he'll manage," said Anna with certainty.

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Shadow picked himself up and lunged at Mephiles, who resumed his dodging routine. Neither he nor Rouge could work out Mephiles' plan, and whether his chanting was just for their benefit.


"I think I'll add that on later. Don't want you tipping over if I got on."



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"Hmm, yeah, we'd need to find someway to balance the weight. Oh well, on last push to the lab then I should be able to move myself," said Melody.


"You both have a lot of confidence in him," said Miles.

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"I must say I'm disappointed, I expected more of a fight from you Shadow," taunted Mephiles.

Shadow knew a Chaos Blast would do the job, but it'd likely flood the area and drown both him and Rouge if they didn't act quickly. She took cover behind a pillar when he gave her a nod. Sure enough, the blast caused the ceiling to start collapsing and water to pour in. Before they were completely submerged, Shadow got over to her and Chaos Controlled to the shore.

"Are you trying to kill us?" she asked in an annoyed tone.

"I had it under control. Any sign of him?'

"I didn't catch any."

Unbeknowst to the pair, Mephiles had escaped, holding the altar which was now charged with energy.


Hope got Melody to the lab. "Try it out slowly at first."


"His attitude seems to be one of persistence, which I admire."

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Melody nodded and pushed the lever forward. The chair began moving slowly. "So far so good," she grinned, cranking it up a bit.


"As long as he keeps his wits about him he'll have a good chance," said Miles.

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"Great work, easy does it."


"When doesn't he have them? It seems he's aldlways in business mode."

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"Shouldn't I be the one saying 'great work' to you Hope," said Melody as she tried out the steering.


"Actually I think his business mode and relax mode are just the same," said Anna/

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"It wasn't much of a challenge."


"They might well be. You'd have to ask him or Alicia."

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Dylan then picked up Rexy so that he could see the pop-ups too

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(Well ... back in business.)

Suddenly , locke felt a shock in his mind . Faling on his knee , it took him a few seconds to shake off that horrible sensation.


Glen eventually told his story to ziona , finally finding a good one .


Red was still stalking Skye from afar , well hidden this time.

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Harmony continued reading the story, soon reaching the end.


"Maybe, but you still did the work," said Melody.


"Alica?" asked Anna in an icy tone.


Zonia smiled, curled up against the massive stuffed raccoon. "I liked that story!"

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"I know, I know. How's the handling?"


"Yes, she's his nigh constant employer up until.... actually he was still working for her whenhe came out of Skye's head if that makes sense."

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"That was a GREAT story!" Dylan said with a wide grin

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"I'm glad you liked it Dylan," said Harmony.

"Yeah. It was gwreat thwat Rwexy was in it!" said Skye.


"I'd say it's pretty Darn good," said Melody pulling a figure of eight.


"Why would he work for that useless *****?" muttered Anna.

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"Great, got it on my first try."


"Money, steady employment, the fact he'd get to commit regicide for her? I suppose wiping out a Zone's rulers is about as big a recommendation as an assassin could get."

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"You mean there was a chance it wouldn't..." asked Melody.


Anna just muttered something, both angry and embarrassed at the same time.

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"A chance it'd need very minor adjustments, yes. Nothing catastrophic."


"Just be glad you're different now or he'd still be trying to."

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