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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Haha success!"


"Well I always thought I'd be good at it, being pretty level headed. And while in the academy they learnt I was good with people so recommended I specialise as a liaison and probation officer."

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"Okay, if you're sure Dylan," said Harmony.


"Grr, you win again. But next time Hope... Next time!"


"It seems to have worked out for you. Until here," said Anna.

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"Right, ready Skye?" asked Harmony.


"Alright then. This is second hand from what Skye told me before, so it could be inaccurate but... You're from a different Zone Dylan. A Zone that, until recently, was affected by a were-hog curse...."

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Dylan cocked his head to the side

"Really?" he asked

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"Yes. And you were affected by that curse as well," said Harmony.

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Hope playfully stick her tongue out.


"It was, I was very successful until this case presented itself as a chsllenge."

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"Careful, it might stick like that!" joked Melody.


"Fingers crossed there'll be no more craziness for a while," said Anna.

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"Really?" Dylan asked. "That sounds weird"

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"Does it?" asked Harmony.

"You dwid swomethwing with were-hwogs," said Skye, thinking hard.

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"I..." Dylan began trying to picture what they looked like. He succeeded and jumped back in fright, turning white in the process. He then ran and hugged Hrmony tight

"I was a... scary monster?" he said, sounding very afraid

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Harmony nodded. "I sorry Dylan. I hoped it wouldn't be as big a shock. But you aren't a monster anymore."


"And make it so hard to talk!" chuckled Melody.


"You've dealt with more craziness than I expect most of your colleagues will ever have in their careers!"

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"But I used to be!" Dylan whined as a tear came from his eye

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"So did I... And so was Skye. Even if we didn't look it," said Harmony.

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"You were?" Dylan asked looking up at Harmony, tears still flowing

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"I was an assassin Dylan...." said Harmony slowly.

"Bwut you nwever kwilled anyone!" said Skye.

Harmony looked at Skye. "You... were gone for years..."

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"Did you really kill people Auntie Harmony?" Dylan asked sounding a little scared

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"I... I...." Harmony was starting to cry slightly. "I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't disobey the orders my parents gave."

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"So you did?" Dylan asked letting go of her and backing off a little

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"Dylan I..." Harmony looked devastated when Dylan backed away from her. "Please. I... I didn't want to.... I had no choice..."

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"You really didn't?" Dylan asked still a little unsure

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Tear were following heavily from Harmony's eyes. "I was forced to do whatever they told me. I didn't want to do it myself. I didn't. I didn't."

Skye ran over and hugged Harmony tightly.

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Dylan also ran and hugged Harmony again

"I believe you" he said. "I still think you're nice"

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(ooc: For some reason RPM never highlights when there's a new post anymore!)

"Thank you Dylan. Oh thank you thank you!"

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