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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Did you really think you had a chance here? taunted Mephiles.

"I wouldn't be so smug, we're not dead yet," retorted Shadow before hitting him with a Chaos spear.


Hope returned "I think that's cheered him up."


Zamy got up and chose her food then returned as the drinks arrived.

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"I told you he wouldn't mind," whispered Harmony to Dylan.


"You wouldn't think a robot would need to be cheered up," said Melody.


"So, uh...." Miles tried to get think of a topic of conversation.

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"That's 'cause he fell asleep again before he could mind" Dylan said smiling

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"He doesn't have a full range of emotions, but he can express sentiments."


"I was telling Miles the films today were good."

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"Yeah. I wonder if he'll remember when he wakes up," Harmony pondered.


"Do you think he ever will?" asked Melody.


"Yeah. The first one was really good, it was a spy one like the one we saw when... erm... when you were.... visiting in disguise..." said Anna.

Miles tired nor to look ashamed, but failed. "I'm sorry about that Anna. I thought..."

"I know."

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"Not unless I installed the relevant chip, which would be a bad idea."


Zamy tried moving on. "Erm...the second one was also good, though I don't think Anna enjoyed it much."

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"Maybe! I dunno!" Dylan said shrugging

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"Well, never mind. We can still have fun," said Harmony.


"Why would that be?" asked Melody curiously. "Would he go on a rampage? Or be overcome with guilt?"


"It was far too scary," said Anna shivering. "I'm gonna have nightmares tonight."

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"Because it would be too much too fast and jeopardise his functioning. Besides, we all like him just the way he is."


"Sorry! You can ship me off to the scariest new release alone if you want," laughed Zamy.

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"Hmm, I suppose you've got a point there. And it's not like he's asking for them," said Melody.


Anna giggled slightly. "You actually like scary films?" she asked.

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"Really?" Dylan asked, his eyes widening in hope

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"I enjoy the thrill of them, yes. Though that isn't to say some can't scare me."

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"Of course Dylan. We had fun before, right?" asked Harmony.


"What would you do if he did?" asked Melody.


"I just don't want to be scared at all," said Anna. "What kind of films do you like Miles?"

Miles pondered for a bit.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen that many."

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Melody laughed.


"Thank's Zamy. Skye did buy a big pile of movies, so maybe I could try a few of those," said Miles.

Anna went quiet again as that had also happened when Miles had been disguised. Miles caught her look, and addressed her and Zamy.

"Look.. I... I know I've done some things I wish I hadn't, but they did happen, and I'll need to accept that. So don't walk on eggshells around me if they come up."

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Dylan gave an excited nod

"Of course we have!" he said

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"So whatcha wanna do?" asked Harmony.

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Dylan gave some thought

"I wanna carry on making dinosaurs!" he then said jumping up and down excitedly. "Unless you wanna do something else?"

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"I'm happy with whatever you wanna do Dylan. You should enjoy yourself as much as possible," said Harmony.

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"Hmm, I dunno. What else is there to do on the base. I guess we can't leave while an evil god is out there," said Melody.


"And... I think I just killed the conversation," said Miles. He looked at the girls plates, then back to his. "Suddenly I feel like a glutton."

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"No, we can't. There really isn't much else to do I'm afraid."


"No you haven't, and you aren't. You're just hungry."

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"Wow! Thanks Auntie Harmony!" Dylan said happily before continuing with the next dinosaur

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"No problem Dylan," said harmony, returning to her own model.


"Well, uh... I didn't want to impose but... could you do something with my wheelchair then Hope? Even just add a motor?" asked Melody.


"Well, yes... I guess it has been a long time since lunch," said Miles.

"And Zmay and I had some cake not that long ago," said Anna.

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"I'll have a look at it then."


"Exactly. Besides if you really feel like one you can burn it off tomorrow."

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