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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah, if that's not a problem for you," said Melody.


After another fifteen or so minutes Miles emerged, trying (and failing) to keep his hair flattened down.

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"It isn't. I've still got my radio handy," said Hope as she wheeled Melody into her room. "It's not fit for royalty, but it has enough space."


"You look much cleaner. Though maybe some gel could keep your hair down if you wanted?"

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"It's okay Hope. Even royalty has to slum it sometimes," teased Melody. She looked around. "Joking aside, this is a nice room. Really cozy!"


"Sorry I took so long. I was messier than I thought," said Miles. "I couldn't find any gel, but make we could get some tomorrow."

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"What are you sorry for?" Dylan asked curiously

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"Ask me to explain once your back to your old self," said Harmony.

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"Thanks, I like to think it is."


"I could run to the store and grab you some now if you really want?"

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"Okay!" Dylan said smiling, pleased that there were no more questions about how he used to be. It felt weird to him trying to think about it, like it was only a pretend life

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"I'm going to get something from the kitchen. Do you boys want anything?" Harmony asked.


"And you can certainly tell it's 'your' room," smiled Melody.


Miles pondered for a moment. "I... I think I'll pass. Anna prefers it sticking up..."

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"Ice cream?" Dylan asked sensing an opportunity to have more

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"Yweah! Ice Cwream!" repeated Skye.

Harmony gave a littled smile. "Okay, I think you boys can have some. What flavour do you want?"

"Rwaspbewrry Rwipple and Chwocolwat!" said Skye.

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Hope laughed. "Yeah, between the toolbox, electronics and the occassional picture it certainly is me."


"Ok, if you're sure Miles."

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"But that's nice. Better that than a room with no personality!!"


"Yes I am. I do want her to like me, even though our... friendship is... strained," said Miles.

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"Yeah! What Skye said!" Dylan said eagerly

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"Okay, I'll be back soon," said Harmony forcing a smile. As soon as she was out of the game room she started crying again.

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"Auntie Harmony was acting weird" Dylan commented to Skye

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"Yweah. Wonder whwat was up with hwer," said Skye, looking towards the door.

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The pair approached slowly but he still saw them, hurling balls of energy to try and deter them.


"Oh I know, I wasn't complaining," said Hope.


"I understand."

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Melody laughed slightly. "So do we set up a camp bed for me?"


"Shall we go and pick up Anna then?" asked Miles a little nervously.

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"Let's ask when she gets back!" Dylan said

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"Yweah. She shwouldn't kweep stwuff swecret lwike thwat!" said Skye.


Harmony arrive in the kitchen, then looked around. Especially at the bowls in the sink.

"Wait a minute... How much ice cream have you boys had?" she wondered.

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"Yeah! That's not very nice! But I forgive Auntie Harmony if she tells us 'cause she's nice" Dylan said smiling

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Skye nodded. "Awll my swistwers are rweally nwice." He sighed. "Bwut I dwon't hawve a bwrother."


Shaking her head now a little amused, Harmony managed to find some clean bowls for more ice cream

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"Maybe you should ask for one" Dylan suggested

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"You can have mine and I'll setup a sleeping bag."


"Sure thing." Zamy teleported them back to Haven.

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"Mwaybe thwats the swecret Hwarmoee is kweeping," said Skye.


"No no, it's okay. I can take the sleeping bag,"insisted Melody.


Miles went to knock on Anna's door.

"Just a minute," she called.

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