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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"An I'm a very lucky chameleon to have him as a pet AN' a friend!" Dylan said giving Rexy a small hug

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"Yes. Yes you are Dylan," said Harmony smiling.

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"An' I'm lucky to have you as my Auntie an' Skye as my best friend!" Dylan continued

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"Aww, that's so sweet of you Dylan," said Harmony, hugging him. "I'll miss you when you're gone."

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Dylan hugged back smiling, then looked confused

"Gone? I won' be gone! I'll be here for a LONG time with you I hope!" He said not quite understanding what Harmony meant

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"I thought you wanted to end the transformation as soon as possible," said Harmony, also a little confused.

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"Uh... Yeah I do but I'll still be here after!" Dylan pointed out

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"But you'll be different Dylan. Very different," said Harmony.

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Dylan giggled

"Not THAT different! I'll still be me!" He said smiling

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"If... if you say so Dylan," said Harmony, trying not to let her feelings of sadness show.

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"Yeah! I do! What do you think, Skye?" Dylan asked

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"Huh? Whwat?" asked Skye looking up. "Whwat's wrong?" he asked looking at Harmony, sensing she was upset!"

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"We won' be THAT different when we're normal again, will we?" Dylan asked

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"Cwourse we won't. We'll be jwust the swame, bwut bwigger!" said Skye.

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"Yeah! What Skye said!" Dylan said

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(ooc: Hmm, I dunno whether to have Harmony go with the lie, or break down and tell them the truth. What do you think?)

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"I've fallen on my backside plenty of times, we've all done it. It's not your fault."

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(ooc: To be honest, I don't mind. Um... I guess honesty from Harmony on this one)

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(ooc: Here we go then!)

Harmony suddenly burst into tears. "No. That's not what will happen. You won't be the same at all. Not even close."


"Yeah, but normally you can get up again yourself," pointed out Melody.

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Dylan cocked his head to the side confused

"Of course I will be! Why wouldn't I be?" He asked

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"B-because... how can I put this... people change as the grow up Dylan. And you will change a lot suddenly when you go back to who you were," said Harmony. "Think back, did you even care at all about dinosaurs before the pool?"

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"You could, I just lent a hand. It's what friends are for."


After half an hour Zamy came out and sat down in the main room, relaxed from her bath.


Peeking round a corner, Shadow saw Mephiles murnuring in front of an altar, and motioned for Rouge to move up.

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"Of course I did!" Dylan said sounding certain. He really did think that

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Harmony just shook her head. "I'm sorry."


Melody smiled. "I know. Thanks for the hand Hope."


Miles was still in the bathroom, by the sound of things the shower was still running.

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