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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Plunge the world into eternal darkness etc."


Zamy jumped a little when it suddenly came into view. "It certainly won't be winning any beauty contests."

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"Cheerful guy," commented Melody.


"That's... a lot of teeth!" murmured Harmony as Anna whimpered into her tails.

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"Definitely. The guy can't even smile for obvious reasons."


"Yeah, and it ain't showing any signs of being full yet."

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"Bring a magic marker for fixing that problem next time we see him!" laughed Melody


"Make it go away," whispered Anna.

"Just a film Anna, just a film," whispered Harmony back.

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Hope laughed. "I've got a nice bright pink one for him."


"Don't worry it'll be gone soon."

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"Perfect," laughed Melody.


"See, it's already off the screen," said Harmony. Anna peeked out.

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"Yeah. I'm sure he'll love that."


"Yeah. It's fine. They'll have shot it by the end anyway."

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"Yeah! I'm okay!" Dylan said before beginning to try to take his skates off

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"Good. Let me help you with those," said Miles, kneeling down to take Dylan's skates off. Skye peeked though the door to the games room.



"And then probably try and smite us or something," said Melody. "Or transform into a god of happiness and rainbows!"


"You... you promise?" asked Anna.

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Dylan sat back

"Thanks Uncle Miles" he said. "It's HARD to take them off"

He then turned to Skye

"Yeah! It's really REALLY cool!" He said grinning

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"Not a problem, but I'll have to show you how to use these clasps," said Miles as he took the rollerskates off.

"Is it jwust bwoardgwames or do thwey hwave other twoys too?" asked Skye running inside.

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Dylan got up and ran in after Skye

"I dinno! I didn' check! I hope there is toys too!"

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Miles walked in after. "If not, I'm sure I can summon some," he said.

"Fwound thwem! I fwound thwem!" called Skye

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"Wherewherewhere?!" Dylan asked excitedly running over to Skye

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"Thwere," said Skye pointing. "A whwole bwig pwile of thwem!"

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"WHOA!" Dylan exclaimed staring awe-struck at the pile of toys

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"Now why would they have half the contents of a toy shop in Haven?" Miles wondered to himself.

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"Which shall we play with first?" Dylan asked Skye

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"How 'bwout the bwuilding blwocks!" said Skye pointing.

(ooc: Lego! Can't go wrong with Lego.)

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"Yeah! Those look cool!" Dylan said going over and sitting himself down next to the toy Lego

(ooc: I was thinking that Lego would end up being what they would play with)

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Skye nodded and sat down next to Dylan.

"I have a feeling that will keep them quiet for a while," said Miles softly to himself as he pulled up a nearby chair.

(ooc: Heh, yeah. Almost no question.)

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"I wouldn't mind the second one," laughed Hope.


"Yes, cowboy hat hunk has a small arsenal. They just have to get to it. Or maybe make molotovs. Either way I promise they'll have killed the monster by the end of it."

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Dylan began picking up blue Lego pieces and sticking them together. He was concentrating a lot on it

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Skye meanwhile was gathering up all the red blocks he could.

(ooc: These boy's HAVE to see The Lego Movie now! :P )


"Hmm, would you? I think too much happiness and rainbows might get sickening after a while!" pointed out Melody with a grin.


Anna looked a bit happier as she started watching the film again, but didn't let go of Harmony's tails.

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Dylan looked up at Miles

"Aren't you gonna make something, Uncle Miles?" He asked

(ooc: Lol! Yeah they do!)

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