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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Awlmost thwere. Jwust round the cworner," said Skye.


"We've got nothing better to do," said Melody.


Anna gave a little scream.

"Eww, gross," commented Harmony as the wolf had his leg bitten off but managed to crawl away. "I guess someone has to warn the others."

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"Exactly. It's still on I think."


"Don't worry Anna, it's just a prop leg and lots of corn syrup. His leg's still attached and fine, just not in the shot. And hey I think he's gonna actually warn them. Good call Harmony."

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"Okay, so, what do we look for?" asked Meldoy


"Of course, everyone will assume it's just some wild animal, not a crazed hellbeast," whispered Harmony.

"But it... looks so real..." said Anna, gripping the armrests tightly.

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"Type in what he looks like and see if that gets a match for anything."


"Exactly. They aren't too bright. I think we need more of that rugged, cowboy hat wearing guy we got a glimpse of earlier. Amd I knowit does Anna. Maybe I'll show you some practical effects first hand to help if you want?"

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"We'll probibly get lots of hits for Shadow. And one for Anna's fan page for Crowley," said melody dryly.


"Maybe," said Anna in a squeaky voice.

"So the cowboy hat guy is the hero? Or the guy who does the 'noble sacrifice'?" asked Harmony,

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Hope giggled. "Makes me wonder if some fan has made a Shadow one. If he has a number one fan he doesn't know about it yet."


"I hope he's the hero. He's too handsome and smart to die, unlike these teens."

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"I'd be amazed if he didn't have a fan club!" laughed Melody


"Oh, you got you eye on him, do you?" teased Harmony.

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"He must have one, I agree. Doubt that'll make him jump with joy though."


"I'll take what I can get," laughed Zamy.

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"No. The worst thing we could do would be to get him to meet his fans!" laughed Melody.


"Well I think you'd suit his hat more," said Harmony.

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"Exactly. It wouldn't help the numbers."


"Heh thanks, I wouldn't mind it. Who do you think is the hero?"

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(Spark stood back up and began cutting the logs with slashes of wind, they drain him quickly so when he finished he fell onto the floor and took a little nap.) Zzzzz.

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"THEN FASTER! FASTER!" Dylan cheered

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Skye gave a happy squeal and skated faster.


Melody burst out laughing.


"Hmm, I don't actually think it's the guy in the hat. He seems... too competent. If's he's the hero it'll be over in another half hour," said Harmony

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(ooc: 7:50 am over here. Just got up and about to go to work)

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(ooc: Same time as Skye for me. And I'll be going to school soon)

"WHEEEEE!" Dylan continued to cheer

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"Thwere is is," said Skye, coming carefully to a stop.

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"YAY!" Dylan cheered. He began to rush over but forgot he had rollerskates on and fell down

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"Thwat was gwreat..... Dwylan? Are you okway?" asked Skye.

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"Maybe you're right. I just hope he survives then. There are 3 girls left, I reckon one will survive as well. The boys not so much."

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Miles hurried over. "Lets get those skates off before anything else happens."


"So any hits yet?" asked Melody.


"I think the way they're setting it up he's gonna die saving someone. Maybe that girl who just wandered off," said Harmony sadly. "Yeah, he doez have a nice rugged look. It'll be a shame to see him go!"

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"Vague mentions of a god of darkness. What a fun guy."


"He'll probably get wounded saving her, be presumed dead then appear at the end alive if not exactly well. At least I hope so."

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"Oh great. Anything else to go on?" asked Melody.


"That'd be neat, as long as the monster isn't contagious..." said Harmony.

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"Not really. It doesn't give details of his plans, just what he wants to achieve acvording to legend."


"It better not be, ok he's going at it so she can run away."

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"And what's that? Doubt it's just killing Shadow!" said Melody,


Anna screamed as the monster appeared fully on screen for the first time. Harmony gave a shriek as well as something grabbed her tails. She turned to see Anna was using them to hide her face.

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