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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Indeed. Keep us updated Hope," said Shadow as he left, returning with scuba gear which he handed to Rouge before using Chaos Control to take them to the shore near the spot.


"I saw a trashy looking horror movie, could be good for a few cheap laughs at clichés."

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Dylan nodded

"Yeah! But I also had Raspberry Ripple after so can I have both again?"he asked still sounding eager

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"I think you can," said Miles.

"I wan' bwoth TOO!" called Skye happily.


"Good luck," called Melody just before they teleported away.


"Horror?" asked Anna nervously.

"I don't think Anna or I will know the cliches!" laughed Harmony.

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"YAY!" Dylan cheered leaping even higher

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Miles filled three bowls with a mix of chocolate and raspberry ripple.

"Here you go boys," he said, handing the bowls and spoons out, then sat down to eat his own.

Skye grinned and started eating.

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"Thanks, Uncle Miles!" Dylan said grinning and then taking his bowl and beginning to eat

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Shadow and Rouge landed on the beach and quickly put on the scuba tanks, th elatter donning a wetsuit as well.

"So we're just gonna swim out and dive down looking for anything suspicious? We might be here a while," said Rouge.

"I know, let's just hope we have enough air," replied Shadow before they swam out.


"Basically idiots doing things like splitting up when a killer's on the loose, saying 'I'll be right back' and generally being stupid. This one has some kind of monster on an island by the looks of it. I'm pretty sure it won't be scary."

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"Are you feeling better now Dylan?" asked Miles.


Melody looked at the spot where they had gone, then to Hope still focusing on the spell, then sighed.


"Promise it won't be scarey?" asked Anna.

"It'll be fine Anna, don't worry. Plus, it's not real," said Harmony.

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Dylan grinned and nodded

"Much better!" He said happily

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"Good," said Miles smiling. "So what do you boys want to do now?"


"Just feeling a little bit like deadweight, that's all," said Melody. "But don't worry. You've got your team to watch."


"If... if you say so," said Anna, still sounding a little scared.

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"It's ok. Even if you were able to run about you still wouldn't be able to do anything."


Zamy bought the tickets and some more refreshments.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

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"Um... I dunno. Something fun!" Dylan said finishing his ice cream

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"Awre thwere any twoy's in Hwaven?" asked Skye.


"I could have gone with them or something," said Melody with a sigh.


"I hope so," said Anna as harmony grinned.

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"No you couldn't have. Do you know how fired we would be if you did, and what if you got hurt?"


Zamy took her seat and handed out the refreshments again.

"It's nice and quiet again. It could be worse, the film could have been set in a cinema," she joked.

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"Why would you be fired if someone just happened to be in the same area as your team?" asked Melody.


Anna shuddered.

Harmony gave her sister a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "How about you sit between Zamy and me, rather than on the edge?"

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"Because that excuse wouldn't hold water. Few people would volunteer themselves to go diving with strangers."


"Good idea." Zamy moved over one seat to let Anna in.

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"There's a games room!" Dylan said grinning. "Me an' Auntie Harmony found it"

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"Rweally??? WOW! Where is it?" asked Skye, eyes wide with excitement.


"Okay, but, well, does Team Dark ever get in trouble when they fight with Sonic or his friends?" asked Melody.


Anna looked a little embarrassed, but shifted to sit between the two. "Thank you," she whispered.

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"I'll show you!" Dylan said rushing to the door

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Skye hurried after Dylan. Miles gave a shake of his head then jogged after them

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Dylan kept running until he reached a map which he began studying

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Skye looked at Dylan then the map. "Thwat's chweating! You shwould know where it is!"

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"Nuh uh! I never said I remembered where it was! Haven's a big place!" Dylan said. Then he pointed at part of the map. "There! There!"

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"Well no, but this is diving. You could die just from coming up too fast and getting the bends. I know you want to help but you should fo it on dry land."


"You're welcome," said Zamy as the film started.

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