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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It's thwis way," said Skye, moving even more carefully.

(ooc: lol, yeah)

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Dylan quietly followed after Skye

(ooc: Skye's not going to like it if it is)

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"It's jwust up ahwead!" Skye whispered.

(ooc: :D Skye doesn't have a phobia of water.... he has a phobia of getting wet!!!)

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"That's a relief. I was worried it'd break if I just looked at it funny or something!" said Melody.

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"I think I hear it" Dylan said excitedly

(ooc: He still won't like it much :P)

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(ooc: agreed)

Skye grinned and started hurring forward. His barefoot suddenly splashes into a small stream and he jumped back with a scream.

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"What? What is it? Is it a scary monster?" Dylan asked scared after Skye had screamed

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"MY FWOOTS WET! MY FWOOTS ALL WET!" screamed Skye, sobbing slightly.

(ooc: Huh boy, he's gonna be horrible come bath time...)


"That's good. It'll need to be tough to survive around me!"

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Dylan looked relieved

"Is that all? I thought you saw a scary monster or something? Why's your foot being wet so scary?" he asked

(ooc: I was thinking the same thing :P)

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"I dwon't lwike it. I dwon't lwike being wet," said Skye, trying to rub the water off his foot.

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"But it's just water. It's not gonna hurt you" Dylan pointed out

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"Bwut it fweels iwcky an' wet an' cwold an' I dwon't lwike it!" whined Skye, sobbing.

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Dylan could see Skye was upset and gave him a hug

"Don't worry. I won' let the water bother my best friend if he doesn' like it" he said

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"Thwank's Dwylan," said Skye hugging tightly back. "Thwis is why you're my bwestest frwiend ever!"

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"An' you're MY bestest friend ever" Dylan replied

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"Yeah! An' it will nwever, ewver, ewver chwange!" said Skye with certainty.

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"Definitely not" Dylan agreed with the same certainty

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(ooc: Those poor, poor kids...)

Skye smiled, his ears wiggling a bit. Then he looked disappointed. "I thwink it was the water I was hwearing."

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Dylan too looked disappointed

"Aww... is that all?" he asked

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Skye nodded solmely, then grinned. "Bwut mwaybe thwere's swomethwing bewyond!"

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"Maybe there is! But we'd have to cross the water" Dylan pointed out

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Skye gulped. "Mwaybe we shwould gwo bwack..."

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Dylan thought about it, then had an idea. He walked over to one of the walls and began climbing it

"We can go around by climbing the walls" he said grinning

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