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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"AHA!" Dylan shouted peaking around the other side of the tree but was disappointed to see no Skye

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Skye giggled again as he heard Dylan shouting below.

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Glen put back Ziona on his shoulder and carrie her around.

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"Wheeeee! This is really fun Gleny!" said Ziona happily, still with one of her soft toys in her hands. "I've had a great time today. Thank you very much. And now I wanna... wanna... Zzzzzzzz" Exhausted with all the excitement of the day, Ziona drifted off to sleep.

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"You think you could?" asked Melody with excitement. "Can I help?"

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"Well we'llbneed to find another laptop. In fact we should just get you your own one, I doubt Shadow would want us borrowing his."

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"Yeah, you've got a point there. So do you have a supply cupboard with them inside?" asked Melody

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"Not ones that can be used for gaming. I'll buy you one. With my teleporter it should be a breeze. I'll just check on the team." Hope pulled out her radio. "s everything going ok guys?".


"Yeah, we're fine Hope," replied Shadow before turning to Mephiles.

"I suppose I should reintroduce myself, I am Mephiles. Do you know how long I've been waiting in there Shadow?"

"No, and we haven't met before."

"Oh but we have, the future is just the past now. I'd show you, but that would be far too easy. Farewell for now, and tell those girls they'll need a lot more practice to best me." Mephiles disappeared again, this time not reappearing in the temple.

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(ooc: More practice? Well, good thing they're getting another laptop to practice there RTS skills... wait... that's not what he meant was it? :P )

"Really, you'd buy me one? Wow, thanks Hope," said Melody happily.

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(OOC Lol!)

"It's no problem. I know the place to get a good one as well." At that moment Team Dark arrived from the temple.

"I think right now we just have to wait him out, and... is that my laptop? You haven't broken it have you?" asked Shadow.

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Melody shrunk a little in her wheelchair.

"I... uh... might have worn out the left mouse button a bit... Sorry," she apologized.

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Dylan looked at the tree and started climbing it. He didn't think Skye was up it but climbing it would give him a better view of where to look

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"It's fine, I just needed to be sure it still worked. I'll be Darned if I'm gonna write up reports by hand. Oh, and our mysterious friend Mephiles says practice."

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"No, gwet away," Skye whispered, trying to hide more in the branches.


"It's not brok... Wait, what? You mean that god dude wants us to practice?" asked Melody surprised.

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Dylan thought he heard something move so started moving up quicker

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Skye kept still, hoping Dylan wouldn't see him

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Dylan reached the branch Skye was on

"I know you're here!" he called out

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"Yes. I assume it was a reference to magic, and more of a taunt than anything."

"Ok, I'm just going to buy Melody a laptop, I won't be long," said Hope before teleporting into the city.

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Skye kept quiet, trying to to move at all.


"I guess he didn't think much of our force fields," said Melody. "I guess you didn't stop him then?"

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"Evidently not. And no, the coward kept dodging our attacks. He's also from a future, but he spoke of it as the past so I doubt it's still in existence."

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"Maybe he's from Moebius then, given we've kinda messed up that world's future," suggested Melody. "Given your part in it,might explain why he's P*ssed off at you."

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"I think he must be from here, we found the orb on Mobius after all. And it could be from any timeline given my immortality."

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"Huh, good point. So he's from a future and got trapped in the past until you found him... Then taunts you and disappears. Sounds kinda odd."

(ooc: sounds like his MO! :P )

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(OOC Lol yeah. He couldn't just kill people simply and quickly, he needed a complicated plan first).

"Maybe he wants to showboat."

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