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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay. I saw you do it, so I think I have an idea," said Melody as she took over, and almost immediately started a massive build queue of soldiers.

(ooc: If I remember right that you have a base in this mission.... After the croc incident...)

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"Yeah, but Uncle Miles don' wan' us to go out without a grownup watching over us" Dylan pointed out

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(OOC Yeah you do. I remember Vladimir's dreadnoughts give a little support as well, then run away when some Allied naval forces show up. Then he claims credit for the victory).

"You've got the right idea."

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"Rweally?" said Skye with a grin. "He dwidn't sway anwythwing lwike thwat when we lweft the lab!"


(ooc: Yep, I remember that cutscene, where Yuri chimes in with his psychic beacon plan.)

"Heh heh heh heh! Yeah. Now ONWARDS MY FORCES! CRUSH THE ENEMY!" shouted Melody as she ordered her troops to attack.

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Dylan began grinning

"You're right! Let's go outside! You coming Rexy?" he asked

"Rargh!" Rexy replied

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"Lwet's swee how fwast Rwexy cwan rwun!" said Skye.

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Dylan grinned and placed Rexy on the ground

"Okay, Rexy. Let's see how fast you can run" he said

So Rexy began running, but being half of Dylans size, he could easily keep up with Rexy

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Skye ran along side. "I bwet if he was bwigger he cwould rwun fwaster than you!"

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"Huh! Bet he couldn't!" Dylan said stubbornly

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"It's thwought a T-rwex cwould run at twenty fwive mwile per hwour at lweast, mwaybe even fworty fwive!" said Skye proundly. "Are you thwat fwast?" he asked, then his face became confused. "How dwo I know thwat?"

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Hope couldn't help but laigh at Melody's outburst. "Someone's getting into it."

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"Of course, it's great fun!" said Melody, grinning at Hope. She turned back to the screen where her army was attacking the base. "Yes! WIPE THEM ALL OUT!"

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"Huh. I knew that. But it will depend how much bigger than me he is" Dylan said

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"You know thwat twoo?" Skye asked with slight surprise, scratching his head. "Yeah, it would. Bwut T-rwex's are mweant to bwe way WAY bwigger!"

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"Yeah! I'd be REALLY small to him if he was full size an' maybe he'd be faster than you!" Dylan said grinning

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"Nuh uh, I'd stwill be fwaster," said Skye. "Bwut we cwould rwide him!"


"Oh, don't worry Hope, I'm not that STOP DYING ON ME YOU USELESS TROOPS!"

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Dylan grinned

"Yeah! We could! That would be super cool!" he said

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"Hmm, I cwould cwast a spwell to mwake him bwigger, bwut he'll dwisappear fwaster!" said Skye.


"I was saying I'm not that bad if these idiotas under my command would follow orders and massacre the enemy!" replied Melody through gritted teeth.

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Hope put an arm around Melody. "Take it easy, "comrade". You've syill got some troops and can build more."

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Melody giggled at the 'comrade'. "Am I getting into this a little too much?" she asked.

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"Maybe a little bit. But you're doing well for someone who literally just started."

(OOC No she's reacting correctly :P

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Dylan thought about it and shook his head

"I wan' Rexy to be here as long as possible!" he said grinning

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(ooc: Link isn't working for some odd reason.)

"Okway, we kweep hwim smwall then," said Skye as the reached outside.


melody giggled again. "I was watching you so I have an idea." She started building a second wave for troops and trucks.

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