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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Wait, what?

Oh, and your here! Hooray! Locke's still with us a bit!)

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(I'm here because there is internet at my grandmother's . And with a lot less time difference , i won't miss a lot.)

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(ooc: Wow. So... you want Locke back then?)

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"Don't worry. We cwan swummon hwim agawin!" said Skye.


"Okay Glen, let's go," said Ziona with her mountain of soft toys.

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"No I don't think that's a crocodile. I saw a giant squid in the intro that looked like it had that Soviet symbol on it though."

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Dylan grinned again and went over to the dinosaur, bending down and looking at him. He then looked to be in deep thought

"I'm gonna call you... Rexy!" he said

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"Rwexy! I lwike thwat name!" said Skye. He walked over to it, a little nervous.


(ooc: Actually, I think there are croc's wandering around that map. Been a while so could easily be wrong.)

"Wait, that squid is actually a unit?" asked melody surprised.

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(OOC Not on that map as far as I know, I think it was a later one).

"It must be, they wouldn't have put it so clearly in the intro sequeunce otherwise."

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Dylan had Rexy walk over to Skye

"He likes you" Dylan said giggling

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Skye patted Rexy nervously on the head. "Hi Rwexy!"


(ooc: I was sure it was that map. I remember it being just to the north of your starting base, and I attacked it with a group of flack trucks because I didn't have anything better.)

"This game is crazy!" commented Melody.

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"Rargh!" Rexy said happily

Dylan was giggling

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Skye jumped again, the giggled. "Shwall we gwo and plway with hwim?" Skye asked.

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Dylan grinned at Skye

"YEAHYEAHYEAH! LET'S GO!" he said picking Rexy up

"Rargh!" Rexy said

"He's excited to go play" Dylan said

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"Have fun boys!" called Miles.

Skye grinned and started running. "C'mon! C'mon!"

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Dylan ran after Skye

"Hey! Slow down! I can't run as fast as you can!" he called over to Skye

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"Okway, I'll gwo slower!" said Skye, slowing his pace. "What gwames dwoes Rwexy lwike to plway?"

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(Ooc: keep him, like I said , I'm not here long enough to play him full time.)

And off they went , back to the penthouse."Well, that's one bunch of toys out of the way I say."

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Ziona giggled as she placed the toys on her bed next to the massive stuffed Raccoon. "Now we need the next lot!" she said, turning to Glen grinning.

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"Agreed! Now lets blow up some navy bases!" said Melody with a grin.

(ooc: No real need.)

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Hope started ordering the forces on the beachhead inland to attack the base from behind.

"Do you want to take over?"

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"Uh, sure, I'll give it a try," said Melody, a little nervously.

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"Rargh!" Rexy said

"He likes EVERY game as long as it's fun!" Dylan said giggling. "But he's too small for tag so maybe hide an' seek!"

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"Thwat'll be fwun!" said Skye grinning. "Even mwore fwun in the fworest!"

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Hope moved over to let Melody get in position.

"It's easy, just click on troops to select, then click on enemies to attack with your selected troops."

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