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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Thanks you two," said Miles. His face slowly split into a large smile, and he ruffled the two boy's heads. "It's hard for me, but I think I can do it with your support."

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"Yeah! An' we'll help you in any way we can!" Dylan said sounding determined

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"Yeah! We will!" Skye agreed.

"Thank's guys," said Miles. "So what are you wanting to do now?"

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"Um... I dunno" Dylan said giving some thought. "Something FUN!

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"If you wanted to help me you could, but I'm not sure you'll find it fun," said Miles.

"Bwut thwere's TWONES of fwun stwuff to dwo in a mwagic lab!" said Skye to Dylan.


"Now just blow it up! Hey, that's a lot of reinforcements! Could have done with those earlier," said Melody

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"There is?" Dylan asked sounding unsure

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"Yeah, but I suppose they needed it for the big finish." On acreen the building was destroyed and the mission accomplished."

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"YEAH!" said Skye, walking to the center of the room and spinning round arms outstretched. "You cwan do AWNYTHWING in a lab lwike thwis! Awnythwing you cwan imagwine!" Skye stopped spinning and grinned at Dylan. "In fwact, I'm gwonna mwake you a pwresent!"

He grabbed a piece of chalk.


"Neat! What's next?" Melody wondered.

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"A present?" Dylan asked excitedly

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"Yep," said Skye as he drew several runes on the metyal circle fixed to the floor, and two smaller circles attached to it. "Spwark gwave me the idwea," he said, then pointed to one of the smaller circles. "You stwand thwere!"

Miles watched with interest. Given the looks of what Skye was planning, he though he had an idea of his plan. But in case it got wrong, her started to prepare a dispel spell.

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Dylan moved excitedly to the circle, unsure what Skye was planning

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Skye stepped into the other small circle.

"What's ywou're fwave dwino and cwolour?" he asked.

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Dylan grinned even more excited now

"My favourite colour is blue like me! An' my favourite dinosaur is a T-Rex like on my T-shirt! Rargh!" he said doing a T rex impression

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Skye laughed. "Thwat's what I thwough. Okway, hwere we go!" Skye began casting the ritual spell. Dylan would feel a strange tingling in his mind.

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Dylan could indeed feel a strange tingle and started rubbing his head

"What's happening?" he asked curiously

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"You swee in a swec!" said Skye. The was a gathering of colourful magic energy in the centre of the main cricle. And a few moments later a small blue t-rex, about half Dylan's height, appeared.

"Thwere we go!" said Skye grinning. "He'll dwo whatewver you want hwim to do, jwust by thwinking!"

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Dylan looked at it grinning

"Rargh!" he said thinking for the T-Rex to also roar. He then jumped back a little in surprise when it did and continued grinning

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"We're attacking a naval base with submarines and support from some angry guy in desperate need of a shave. I don't think he likes us."

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Skye also jumped when the T-rex roared. Miles just looked on amused.

"Do you lwike it?" Skye asked Dylan.


"Maybe he doesn't like us cause we stole his razor!" giggled Melody. "At least the briefing girl seems to be on our side."

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Dylan looked at Skye grinning before going and giving him a hug

"It's REALLY cool! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" he said

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Skye started laughing happily. "Knew you'd lwike it. He'll ownly lwast a dway thwough!"


"I'd hope so, given she also seems to tell us what's going on to. Hmm, wait, is that a crocodile there?" asked Melody, pointing at the screen.

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"Only a day? Aww..." Dylan said looking disappointed

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(Ooc: shiet , we command and conquer now ?)

"Now now... Let's get home , shall we ?" Asked Glen.

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