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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan saw Skye was crying and feeling bad about upsetting him, ran after him

"Skye! Wait! I'm sorry for upsetting you!" he called out to him

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"I'm going to call artistic license on these wings."Joked glen."They are way too useful ."


"Dylan, skye...." But locke could hardly keep up .

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Skye, being much faster, pulled ahead of the others, heading to his lab.


Melody moved her wheelchair round for a better look. "What's going on there?" she asked.


Ziona grinned. "Yeah, they are really great!" Then, her faced dropped slightly. "I'm... I'm gonna miss them when I'm back to normal."

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"Skye! Please wait!" Dylan said going as fast as he could but still being unable to keep up with Skye

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(Ooc: dylan is now officialy in control.)

"Don't worry zionna, I'll still be there to help."

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"Well according to the general the 'Soviets' are coming up through somewhere called Mexico, and that looks like the Soviet leader. I think. I have no idea who the bald guy with the accent behind him is... wait mind control?". On screen two men prepared to launch missiles from silos, but one stopped the other after being controlled and the missiles blew up when they hit the silo doors.

"This looks interesting. It predates Mobians and even the planet being called Mobius."

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Skye burst into his lab, and was surprised to see Miles was in there, sitting in the floor, knees ticked in and head bowed. He looked up as Skye entered, and Skye was surprised to note it looked like he'd been crying to.

"Skye?" Miles asked surprised. Skye made a burbling sound, then ran over and held onto Miles tightly, sobbing again.


"I know you will Gleny," said Ziona smiling. She would have hug him but her arms were occupied. "Let's get these toys then!" she said smiling as she walked to the counter.


Melody cocked her head. "That metal thing the bald guy has on his head can't be comfortable!" The she giggled. "We keep seeming to bump into mind control stuff!"

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"I know. It must be an omen," joked Hope. "So do we want to play as the Allies or the Soviets? I have no idea which side has what."

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"The Soviets seemed to have neater looking stuff in the intro video," said Melody.

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"Alright then. Let's try them out." Hope picked the Soviets and watched the mission briefing.

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"SKYE? WHERE ARE YOU?" Dylan called out, still not reaching the lab

Meanwhile, Locke was also calling for Skye but further behind

(ooc: Yes, I'm doing Locke while he's on holiday)

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"What... what is it Skye," asked Miles, but Skye just keep sobbing. "Skye?"

"I'm... I thwink I'm lwosing myswelf..." moaned Skye.

"You to?" asked Miles worried.


"So... we've got to destroy the enemies most heavily fortified HQ....? How hard can it be?" asked Melody.

(ooc: If I remember the first mission correctly)

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(OOC Yep, taking out the Pentagon).

"Yeah, we can do this." Hope selected the paratroopers and started attacking the Allied ground forces.

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"You know, for such an important mission, a few tanks or something would be useful!" said Melody. "Can't say the defenders are putting up much of a fight!"

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"Skye?" Dylan asked coming into the lab. He saw Skye with Miles

"Hi Uncle Miles" he said. "Skye are you okay? I'm sorry I made you cry"

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Hope took the allied position and received some reinforcements, an MCV and a few tanks.

"I think the game is listening to you," laughed Hope.

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"Hi Dylan," said Miles, trying to smile.

"It... it wasn't jwust you Dwylan... bwack thwere I... I thwought... I thwought we rweally WERE in schwool twogther, But I've nwever ewven bween in a schwool!," sobbed Skye.


"Nice," laughed Melody. "Okay game, give us the biggest tank you've got!"

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"But... We can't be in school together because were not going to school ever an' we'll both be normal again in a week!" Dylan said confused

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"I know, I know," screamed Skye. "I thwink the mwagic is mwessing with my hwead!"

(ooc: Skye said he wanted to experience a normal childhood for the week. The magic is obliging,,, kinda...)

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No more reinforcements came so hope pushed on, building a barracks to get more conscripts.

"I guess it was a one off thing," laughed Hope.


"We need a new plan Shadow, this just isn't working," said Rouge.

"I know, let's try a more tactful approach." The trio stopped attacking, waiting for Mephiles to make a move.

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Dylan came over and hugged Skye tightly, starting to cry a little himself

"I know. I think it's doing it with me too. We just need to make it through a week at most or until Uncle Miles or Locke can fix us again"

(ooc: I can see that. Poor Skye)

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"I've had some idea 's Dylan. And I'm making progress. I really think i should be able to get you back before the week is up," said Miles.

Skye pulled Dylan tight so he could whisper where he suspected his ears would be.

"The worst thwing... I almwost want it to... I pwrefer thwis chwildhwood over my rweal one..."


"Maybe we'll get more later," said Melody. "Hey, are those dogs?"

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"Thanks Uncle Miles. Please find a way soon" Dylan said smiling at Miles before listening to Skye. "But that could just be it messing with your head that wants that" he whispered back

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Miles nodded, and looked at the two.

"Mwaybe... but pwart of me always wanted a dwifferwent chwildhwood," said Skye sadly.


Melody laughed at the somewhat black pun. "Maybe we should counter them with some dogs of our own. Or that tank. I doubt they could eat THAT!"

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