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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Uncle Miles?!" Dylan called out. "Are you there?! Please say you're there!"

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There was still no answer.

"Where dwo you thwink he's gone?" wondered Skye.


"Anna seems to be doing well, though when Miles is around she seems a little... on edge. I think she still wants to be friends, but doesn't like the reminder of her old life. Harmony... I don't really know. I haven't really spoken to her since she got her new body." said Melody

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"I dunno. I wanna find him after we speak to your dad" Dylan said

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"We will dwo!" said Skye, nodding his head.

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"I can understand that, it must be hard seeing him again after he kidnapped three people and was a general menace to everyone. And I guess we'll jsut have to see about Harmony then."

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"An' that way, it will be like practicing hunting dinosaurs only well be hinting for Uncle Miles!" Dylan said excitedly

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"It'll be hwarder! said Skye. "Mwiles is a lwot smwaller!"


"Yes. But she did seem happy with her new form, even if it is a fox. I suppose it means I'm not just a copy now," said Melody.


Miles meanwhile was in Skye's lab, leaning over one of the desks working.

"Here I am," he muttered, "trying to find a way to change someone who like me unquestionable back into someone who hates me. And will probibly hate me more as I'll remind him of his childish times."

Miles slumped to the floor.

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"True! But it will make finding dinosaurs MUCH easier!" Dylan said grinning

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"Heh heh yeah," giggles Skye. "Bwut we'll nweed a bwig cage to pwut thwem in!"

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Dylan giggled

"Yeah! Maybe Uncle Miles can make one for us!" he said

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"Yeah! Ane he cwan mwake a mwagic one thwat cwan chwange size!" said Skye jumping up and down with excitement.


"I know Hope. It's still a weird feeling knowing there's someone who share s most of your memories," said Melody.

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"Yeah! Yeah! He can!" Dylan said also jumping up and down in excitement

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"And nwot jwust cwages! Lottsa cwool mwagic stwuff for dwino hwunting!" said Skye, eye's shining as he thought about the possibilities.

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"No I wanna go find him now and ask him!" Dylan said sounding eager

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"YesYESYES! Cwan we gwo fwind him Dad! Pweese!" asked Skye wide eyed.

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"At least there isn't a crazy alternate dimension version of you."


Eventually finding Mephiles, the team found that he just shrugged off their attacks, teleporting out of the way at the last minute, though strangely he made no attempt to retaliate.

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Melody burst out laughing. "That's cause I'M the crazy alternate dimension version!"

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Dylan also turned to Locke and looked wide-eyed

"Pretty please!" he said

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(ooc: This might confuse Locke after his 'I thought you were thinking like a kid but I was wrong' ;) )

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(ooc: Well, they are thinking like kids so he was right. He's just not allowed to say it :D)

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(ooc: Heh, true. Lol, even insisting 'I'm not a kid' is childish in itself! Poor Dylan just can't win!)

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"How do you know? Maybe I'm just hiding it!" grinned Melody. "Oh, right, the link... yeah, you'd know... and probibly gone crazy yourself!"

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